Chapter 73 Crystals

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<Play Song Later>
Your POV

*You see SS!Asriel trying to give SS!Chara a green dress
"Having fun?"
*SS!Chara teleported out
"Come on Chara!"SS!Asriel screamed
"I take it dresses aren't her thing?"
"I see why"Chara
"Yeah I just trying to help her on her first date"SS!Asriel
"Heh what a caring little brother"
"She didn't even say where she went"SS!Asriel
"Don't worry I'll find her.Asriel I expect you to watch my humans"
"Roger that"SS!Asriel saluted
(My aching heart)
"Behave you two"you said and gave Frisk and Chara a hug..You let go
"We know"Frisk
"Just don't mess up"Chara
"I think of something.I see you later you three"you said and teleported to the Ruins <Aka Old Home>

*You see Chara leaned against a large purple doorway
"Did I rushed into this?"
"'s just me.I don't know how to act around you when you ask me so suddenly"SS!Chara
"Well do you like me?"
"Good.Because I like you.Do you just want to stay here and talk?"

*You sat next to SS!Chara

"You don't have to go on a date with me.I'm just happy you feel the same"SS!Chara
"But I just want you to know how much I like you"
(You're hitting too hard!)
(Shut it I got this!)

"Can I take you somewhere?"
*You stood up and offered SS!Chara you're hand
*She accepts

*You absorb her magic
"(Y/N), give back my magic"SS!Chara
"I will.I promise.I just not betting on you leaving me like you did before"
"..."SS!Chara looking away
"Let's go"you said and teleported to Waterfall <Aka Wetlands>

*You in an narrow crystal filled cave

"Now give them back"SS!Chara
"Heh I'll give you everything but teleportation"you said and did
"(Sigh) I can't believe I'm here"SS!Chara
"You don't want to?"
"I do!I really do"SS!Chara
"I'm glad"you said and held SS!Chara right left hand and continued forward
(Still wearing gloves)
"Do you always like holding hands?"SS!Chara
"Because I can feel your heart beating through your fingers"
*SS!Chara gently squeezes your hand
"Heh your still wearing your gloves"
"I could take them off"SS!Chara
"You don't have to if-"
"It's ok I want to"SS!Chara said and took them off.She resumes holding your hand
"Its just that you gripped my hand right away"
"Did I hurt you?"SS!Chara
"No it's fine.Your being awfully cute"
"..Can you not tease me"SS!Chara
"Heh ok I'll stop.I was wondering how red your cheeks can get"
"Well stop that.Its not fun being teased"SS!Chara
"Ok ok"
"Where are we going?"SS!Chara
"I have no idea"
"Then we're walking blindly?!"SS!Chara
"Of course.I don't live here.I did not know what you expected"
"Then you didn't plan anything?"SS!Chara
"I did.The important part is that I spend time to know you"

"I'm just taking a big guess here but do you like music?"
"I don't really listen to music that much.The first and only time I heard music was in Shyren's concert"SS!Chara
"Shyren?Isn't she..shy?"
"Hah no.She is very confident"SS!Chara

"I guess she finally scaled up to the top"
*SS!Chara smiles

"Your smiling but I really want you to laugh.I guess I miss my oppur-tuna-ty"
*SS!Chara chuckles

"Heh ok I'm "fin"-ish with the fish jokes.I'll bait you laugh next time"
*SS!Chara let out a cute laugh.She covers her mouth to hide it

"Heh I'm serious.I reely stop this time"
"Haha ok ok.Cod, you can stop now"SS!Chara
"Heh I'm glad you liked it"
"(Exhale) Do you always make puns?"SS!Chara
"Not all the time.Only to those I see who would enjoy it"
"Well you're a very punny person"SS!Chara
"Heh thank you"
*You see a slow moving river

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now