Chapter 143 Date with Chara Pt.1

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<Shit I keep getting side track in real life..Barely got time for myself>

<But here's 3 Chapters for now>
Your POV

*You wore a gold sweater and black pants with a golden fade.Chara wore a green sweater with yellow horizontal stripes and brown jeans.

*You walked on the sidewalk that was going down a hill.
"Wow"Chara said as she saw the flow of cars and tall buildings

"We should've walked together with Frisk before we went on a date"Chara
"But now you have me all to yourself for the rest of the day"
*Chara held your right hand a bit tighter

"Are you scared?"
"These buildings are way different from your used to right?"
"Yeah.This is almost like your kingdom"Chara
"But with an actual sky and weather cycle"
"Hmm..I want to know everything together.I don't like you knowing everything.We were the ones that was teaching you and now you seem more comfortable here already"Chara
"Well how about we go somewhere I never been"
"And where is that?"Chara
"I don't know"
*Chara elbows your right side
"(Chuckles)Well how about you decide"
"You're letting me control this date?"Chara
"Is that an issue?"
"No..uhmm..I don't know what to do"Chara
"Heh if I'm with you I don't mine just sitting down with you resting on my shoulder"
"Hah ok lets go..There"Chara said as she points to a large building
<It's the Sports Stadium>

<The circular structure>"Hmm""You know this place already?"Chara"I do but I never been inside""Then let's go"Chara"Ok ok"*Chara leads you to the Stadium while being anxious about seeing the new buildings and the vehicles

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<The circular structure>
"You know this place already?"Chara
"I do but I never been inside"
"Then let's go"Chara
"Ok ok"
*Chara leads you to the Stadium while being anxious about seeing the new buildings and the vehicles.

*Chara was about to continue walking but the walking sign is glowing red
"Hold up"you said and stooped walking
"The walking sign is red.That means you can't cross the road"
*The flow of traffic resumes and you both see cars passing by

*Chara step back a little
"That's why"
"Oh..Can you tell me that before?"Chara looking angry
"Sorry I was distracted when you keep being cute walking around in a place you don't know"
*Chara let's go of your hand and slaps your right arm

"You also were very adorable when you excitedly led me"
"Shut up"Chara
"Come on.Its almost time for the cars to stop"you said offering your right hand
"..."Chara grabs your right hand
*The walking sign turned glowed green and you both started to walk across the road

"Mm Nothing"
"I just wanted to know why you're quiet"
"I'm just looking at this new scenery"Chara
*You hear thousands of cheering voices from the building
"Maybe we should go somewhere else"Chara
"Feeling intimidated?"
"I think the screaming in the Throne Room was way louder"Chara
"Heh why were you guys smiling so much"
"..Because it was new to see you be so..different"Chara
"Hmm"you said with interest
"Let's head over there"Chara said pointing at a larger
<It's the other circular building behind the Stadium>

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now