Chapter 60 Original

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Your POV

"I know how you feel"
*Ink swung is brush at the wall
"Is that gonna disappear"you ask
"Relax of course it is.Alright let's go!"
*You hold Frisk's and Chara's hands
"Don't hold my hand"Chara
*You lead Frisk and Chara through the portal

*You went into a Snowy Forest and see a purple doorway
"Are you sure we left our Universe"you ask
"I'm pretty sure"Ink
"This feels like...Nope it's different"you said
"How can you tell"Frisk
"Well I made something on a certain tree and it's not here"
"What is it?" Chara
*You whispered to Frisk and Chara

<A heart with you and the humans Initials in the middle>

"Why would you!"Chara
"I hope nobody sees it"Frisk
"Heh let's just head to the next place"

*Ink disappears

"Oh you got to be kidding me"
"Where did he go?"Chara
"I don't know but when I see him I'm gonna kick his ass"
"Calm down let's just find a place to warm up"Frisk
(Energy Conversion-Heat)
"No my legs are freezing"Chara
"Why won't you let me warm up your legs?"
"Because I said so let's hurry it up"Chara
"Heh fine"
*You walked along the path and stepped over a large branch
*You felt something behind you.You turned around and see a skeleton in a blue jacket and looks like it was about to stomp on the branch.

"welp this is new" ? Said stepping over the branch
"Hello, who are you?"
"you should really look in front of you" ?
*You turned forward and see the skeleton in front of you
(Oh I see)

"How did you-"Frisk
"the names Sans.Sans the three are new to the Underground"Sans
(Sans?Like my...)
"So do you need something?"Chara
"actually i was just strolling down memory lane until i saw you.the underground doesn't get many visitors but i guess i can show you around"Sans
"That's ok.We don't need help"you said
"heh suit yourself kiddo"Sans said and disappeared
(His soul felt almost similar to my Sans)

"Now let's get going"
"I thought you would never move"Chara
"Then let me warm-"
"Quit it!"Chara
"Um (Y/N).Don't you think your heating up too much?"Frisk
*You looked around.You were leaving a melted snow trail.
"Nah I think it's fine"
"Just don't burn us"Frisk
"I would never.Why? You don't like it when I'm too hot to handle?"
*Frisk smiled
*Chara seemed to be lost in thought
"Chara are you ok?"
"Yeah it's just that skeleton was staring at me very weirdly"Chara
"Want me to beat him up?"
"(Chuckles)That's ok.Just protect me Alright"Chara
"Of course"

*You continued walking until you came across a roadblock
"Well this is new"
"Is this a puzzle?"Frisk
*You read a sign a says:Turn the X's into O's

"Simple enough"you said and completed the puzzle
"Weird.Why would they block the path"Frisk
"Yeah.What a weird Underground"
"Less weirder than you"Chara
"Hey don't judge so soon"
"There isn't anything weird besides you back in our Underground"Frisk
"You know what, if it isn't weird I'll do anything you ask"
"You want to to make that deal again?"Chara
"Heck yeah"
"Fine deal"Chara
"And here's another roadblock"Frisk
"But I see no puzzle"
"Maybe the snow covered it up"Chara
"Let's just jump over it"
"No I want to solve this"Frisk
"Heh ok.Lets find the puzzle"
*You all walked around and see Frisk running around

"I found something!"Frisk
*You and Chara walked over and see Frisk moving snow.Eventually you saw a red X.
"Looks like a map"Frisk
"So the its over there"Chara
*You went over to the X but found nothing
"This is confusing"
*You see Chara went over a rock and put her foot on it and pressed down.The rock sinked into the ground and hear a beeping noise
"Let's see if it's gone"you said and grabbed Frisk's and Chara's hand.
"It is"Frisk
"Good job both of you"
"Hah I guess that was fun"Chara
"Well I hope that was the last"
*It wasn't
*You see another puzzle with the X and O rule
*You see Frisk and Chara trying to solve it in their heads
"Can I solve it now?"
"You already know?!" Frisk and Chara
"Yeah..Do you want me to wait?"
"Ok first one to solve it gets to wear my jacket"
*They had a Determined expression
*Frisk solved it first
"Ugh I helped solved it for you!"Chara
"Maybe but I solved it first.Now give me my prize"Frisk
"Heh ok ok"You said taking off your jacket and giving it to Frisk
*Frisk looks happy
*You hold Chara's hand

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now