Chapter 117 First Dance

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<Play Song...If you got a better song in mind feel free to tell it>

Your POV

*You and Asriel joined hands
*You and Asriel Waltz in the middle of the glass floor...

*You spoke quietly and Asriel did the same
"I can't believe what just happened"
"Everyone should know..Not just the people you trust"Asriel
"The Judges will be talking about this for ages"
"I got that idea from them"Asriel
"(Sigh)No wonder it was a big speech..You were planning on this since forever"
"So did you get any cool presents?"
"Yeah..Undyne and Alphys got me a white armor set that looks like a dragon"Asriel
"White huh.."
*You see everyone who came with you smiling and recording you and Asriel...

*You and Asriel finished dancing.Asriel let's go and you both bowed to each other...

"Thank you for dancing with me"Asriel
"It was my pleasure,Prince Asriel"

*You hear a sound of applauses from the surrounding monsters and the Loyal Royal Guards were noticeably whistling loud..

*You see the King and Queen walk to you
"May we dance with you as well?"Asgore
"I would also like to dance with you"Toriel
"Heh of course my Majesties"
*You and Toriel joined hands and Asriel and Asgore joined hands...

*You all dance together
"(Y/N) thank you for taking good care of my boy.Ever since you two met he has always been jumping around"Toriel
"Well I should be thanking him..He did save my life"
"Yes..that's why I will always be loyal to the young Prince"
"Wonderful..I hope you will take care of Asriel and the humans you have with you in the near future"Toriel
"I shall and will my Majesty"

*You switched partners and now your dancing with Asgore....But he's too tall so you floated in the air and made energy floor to dance on
"Ho Ho..A new ability I see"Asgore
"Heh yeah"
"(Y/N) I know you've been through some heinous acts without my knowing and knowledge and I'll hope you forgive me for not noticing at all"Asgore
(Asriel must've told)
"It's alright my King..That life is already in the past and I'm no longer living in such conditions anymore"

"(Sigh)Thank you for not turning your anger to the Monsters of the Underground..And instead hide it in yourself..But now on this day forth, Everyone will be by your side as Gatekeeper"Asgore
"Well I hope you made a speech to let the others know what a Gatekeeper is"
"Ho Ho, I will.My son has already made most of it"Asgore
"I see"

*You and the Majesties finished dancing

*Everyone applauded once more and you hear the Dog Squad barking in excitement.
*You bowed to the Majesties and floated back to your humans

"Come they all want to dance with you too"
"Even us?"SS!Frisk
"Don't worry I'm sure you got this"
*Frisk stares at you
"Frisk I'll dance with you after your dance with the Majesties"
"Rei you're last since you will cause the most attention"
"Aww man"Rei
"Just chill Rei"SS!Chara
"Be honored he saved the best and coolest person for last"
*Rei smiled and looked prideful again

*You lead the four humans and guide them onto the glass floor and see the lava below.They looked at the Majesties.

*You and the humans bowed at the Majesties and they did the same
*You all dance and you guided SS!Frisk to dance with you first.
*You see Frisk glancing at you while she dances with Toriel

"So has the been a Ball for you?"
"..."SS!Frisk is concentrating on her movements

"Heh..stop worrying that you'll mess up and worry about the person who you're dancing with"
"It's ok but aren't you a bit too nervous?"
"I..just don't like the way I'm dress and how they're staring at me"SS!Frisk
"Frisk you look beautiful that's why..Who wouldn't stare at you?"
*SS!Frisk blushes and looks down

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now