Chapter 122 Gatekeeper

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<April 12,2020....I never really plan to go overboard.But I enjoyed writing this story more than anything I ever did before>
<This is also something I didn't take seriously at the start>

Your POV

*You woke up to the feeling of familiar suffocation
*You opened your eyes and see green
*You you looked up to breathe and sense the area around you....all the human girls are here...but why.
*You laying on your left arm
*Frisk is behind you,Chara is in front of you while your right arm is behind her,SS!Chara is laying on your right arm and SS!Frisk holding your right hand when she's sleeping behind Chara.
<SS!Frisk took some chairs and some pillows just to sleep with you...or with everyone>

(This trap leveled up so quickly)

*You look back at Chara and see her awake.Your heart beated faster.You remain silent and stared into her red eyes.Your eyes slowly got heavy then you closed your eyes.Chara kissed your forehead.You snuggled towards her chest
*Chara pinches your cheek
*You opened your eyes
"Never do that again"Chara
*You made your eyes red
"Your red eyes are darker"Chara
*You closed your eyes
"Hey open them.I want to see it"Chara
*You did
"Why did it turn into a different shade?Is it because of your new soul?"Chara
"I don't know"You said in her chest
"Don't do that either"Chara
*You snuggled to her chest again.She pinches your cheek again
"What did I just say?"Chara
"I love you"
*She pinches your cheek again
"Chara that hurts"
"Just let me snuggle to you"
"But it makes me feel relax..I won't do anything indecent"
"You better"Chara
*You resume hear her breathing change and you stare at her..She's blushing
"Is this making you feel-"
*Chara's eyes glowed red
"No"Chara said with a serious face
"Ok..sorry I'll be quiet"
*You rested your face in her chest and got relaxed...You hear her breathing slowly.
"Why didn't you do that with me?"SS!Chara
"Chara don't ruin my moment"Chara
"Well mine is more softer than hers"SS!Chara
"Oh shut it.Just because your older"Chara
"Hah maybe..But he couldn't stop looking at them when we..."SS!Chara
*You sense Chara getting angry
"Chara stop making Chara angry"
"Who are you talking to?"SS!Chara
"To the both of you.I don't like you two fighting with each other"
"Ok"Chara said and kissed your forehead
"Now that's definitely a hit"SS!Chara
"I don't see a scratch or a bruise on him"Chara
"I'm gonna make him feel way better when we go back to my Universe"SS!Chara
"You wanna fight?"Chara
"I think I won already"SS!Chara
"I said stop and you know I don't need anymore fighting when I'm with you"
"Yeah I'm sorry too"Chara
"Not to me"
"We weren't talking to you"Chara
*SS!Chara chuckles
"Story Chara will you be joining us to see the Surface?"
"(Y/N) what is your Kingdom planning to do in the surface?"Chara
"Just scouting"
"That's it?"Chara
"Well if the humans are hostile I'll take care of them.If they're not I'll talk to them as a human not as a monster"
"Are we all staying with you?"Chara
"No I'm going in alone.The Judges will watch you"
"No I-"Chara
"I'm not saying yes no matter what you say.This is something I will take seriously.Unless there's something you know that I do not"
"...It's about my parents"Chara
*You sense SS!Chara feeling uneasy
"If you find them can you tell me first and not talk to them"Chara
"Do they have red eyes like you?"
"Alright I'll do just that"
"Thank you"Chara
*You sense the Four Generals<Judges>coming towards you
"Chara it's time for me to move"
"Four Judges has return.I need to know what they found and why there's only four returning"
*SS!Chara got off you and she sees SS!Frisk holding your hand
"(Y/N) let go of her hand"SS!Chara
"She has me"
*SS!Chara pulls SS!Frisk away..Your right arm is free

*Chara flips over and sees SS!Frisk postion
"This girl really had the guts to do hold hands with him"Chara
"I'll talk to her later"SS!Chara
*Chara got up
*Frisk hugs you tighter
"One more hug please"Frisk
. . .
*Frisk squeezes you and let's go.You got up
*You kissed Frisk's forehead and see her smile
*You kiss Chara's cheek

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now