Chapter 93 Couch

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Your POV

*You lay on the couch and see SF!Chara walk in.
"Why the fuck did you save her?!"SF!Chara
"Because I wanted too"
*She puts a red knife to your neck
"Are you gonna fuck her too?"SF!Chara
"If you are, I'm gonna Kill you in your sleep"SF!Chara
*You pull her in and whispered to her...

"Then sleep with me every night so you know I'm not lying"
"Let go!"SF!Chara said pulls the knife away
"Shut up..I want to go on that date.Your brother is busy with Frisk"
"Oh so you know her name?"SF!Chara
"I asked"
"Did you also ask to fuck her?!"SF!Chara
"Let's go again"
"Hah Hell no"SF!Chara
"But you sounded so into it in the shower"
*She gets up to your face"
"Your dick only enters me.You got that?"SF!Chara
"I don't think so"
*Her eyes glowed red

"You're not the only girl I like.You are in this Universe but-"
"Then I'll fuck another dude"SF!Chara
"I don't think so.Your the first one I ever done it with before my other girls.You think I'll let you go because I have other girls besides you?In your fucking dreams babe"
*She kisses you and backs off
"I'll forget what you did back there"SF!Chara
"Chara..I don't mind you being angry but if you threaten me by giving away your body to another dude I'll kill everyone in this damn Underground so you only have me"
(Well now you upgraded to psycho)

"Ain't that cute.As long as you don't fuck with another girl besides me in this Universe I'll be your girl as long as you want"SF!Chara
"Heh I want you right now"
*She pulls you up and makes you sit up straight.She hugs you

"...Does this make you happy?"SF!Chara
"Very much"
"Aww~that's too bad.If you weren't happy we would be in my room just now"SF!Chara
"Heh that's ok.I like this feeling"
"More than sex?"SF!Chara
"Yeah..Is that weird?"
"...No just shut up.You damn idiot"SF!Chara
*You wrapped your arm around her back and lay back on the couch
"About that date"
"Let's do that now"
"No (Y/N) we already did twice and-"SF!Chara
"Pfft I'm not talking about that.Im talking about having the date here"

"Oh...Be more clear!"SF!Chara
"Aww this is why I love you.You always think about me doing something to you"
"Because you always do!"SF!Chara
"Heh..Stay here.I'll make you something to eat"you said and let her sit on the couch
*You stood up

"You can cook?"SF!Chara
"Yeah..Its one of the perks of me being your boyfriend"
".."SF!Chara smiles
"Oh right..I didn't ask you properly.Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"...Go make me something already"SF!Chara looking away
*You went to her face and kissed her neck.

"I'll do just that.You better not run away"you whispered into her ear
"Hurry up before he comes back"SF!Chara
"As you wish"
*You left to cook breakfast



*You cooked a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on top shaping a heart and a cup of hot chocolate. You walked back in the living room and see her sleeping on the couch.You place the plate on top of the living room table and walked over to SF!Chara that's laying on the couch.

"I didn't get a chance to say this before but you look great in my jacket"
*She opens her eyes
"Isn't it my jacket now?"SF!Chara
"Heh, Yes it is"
*She looks over to the table and sits up

"Where did you get the ingredients?"SF!Chara
"I created it"
"Then why did you cook if you can make it instantly?"SF!Chara
"Because I like the feeling of cooking for someone I care about"
*She smiles
"Well go ahead and eat"
*You went over to the kitchen and grab the hot chocalate and walked back to SF!Chara.

*You see her almost finishing the pancakes
(I should've expected this)
"Do you like hot chocolate?"
"Yes!"SF!Chara getting excited
*You gave her the hot chocolate then you sat beside her on the couch.

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now