Chapter 71 Truce

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Your POV

*You slowly sat-
"Don't even try it"Error
"I can't sit here?"
*You made a pillow and sat on the floor,watching TV and drinking your shake.

"Do you even understand what's going on?"Error
"Then why are you here?"Error
"Because it looks interesting"
"I'm not talking about the damn show.Im talking about how the multiverse works!"Error
"Ohhh.Yeah I have no clue of that either"
"Ughh.What did Ink even tell you"Error
"You're the destroyer of AU's and your old friend"
"I am not his friend!"Error
"Then frenemy"
"I'm not that either!"Error
"...Does he just walks in here without your permission?"
"Yeah he fucking does"Error
"..So you can't control who comes in here?"
"...No.Where are you getting at"Error
"I've met someone who can but-"
"Is that the disgusting Omega Timeline?!"Error yelled
"Disgusting no.But Omega Timeline yes"
"Where is it?!"Error
"...I just want to visit"Error
"Can't Tell you.Only best friends only"
"...I'll be your best...friend"Error
"Don't you dare fucking lie to me"
"Ugh...So you've been there?"Error
"Did you see..a lot of residents?"Error
"...Ugh just thinking about it makes my head hurts"Error
"Stop drinking the shake to fast"
"It's not that you idiot! It's the cluster of all those awful anomalies"Error
"Why do you destroy AU's?"
"Because there all shouldn't even exist.The probability of one existing is so low only pure chance would've made them exist"Error

"But the universe is infinite.That means there's both infinite ways universes exist possibly and infinite ways it would exist impossibly"
*Error looks like he's spazzing out
"Wohh you good?"
"Y-Yeah I-I'm fine"Error
"You don't sound fine"
"J-Just shu-Shut up"Error
"So what do you think of my answer?"
"It's stupid"Error
"Not very reasonable"
"The multiverse can't be that simple"Error
"Why not"
"It's because glitches like you are an abomination.All of you should just be erase"Error
"Then the multiverse will just slowly fade away"
"There only has to be one Universe and one only"Error

"But wouldn't that make a new multiverse?If the original Universe still exists.Then the multiverse will just slowly become what it is today and your hard work will be for nothing"
"I-i said t-to Shut u-up!"Error
"Heh having a processing failure?"
"Be quiet!"Error

*Ink sits next to you
"Want a pillow?"You offered
"No but can I get one of those chocolate shakes?"Ink
"Wait can you make it strawberry?"Ink
"No problemo"you said and made it
*Ink sips
"Wow this taste really good!"Ink
"Shut up I'm trying to watch here!"Error
"How did you create this?"Ink
"By combining magic and energy"
"How does that work?"Ink
"Not telling"
*Ink sips

*All you three continued to watch UnderNovela until Ink got bored.

"So Error have you thought about what's gonna happen from now on?"Ink
"I'm still destroying AU's"Error
"But (Y/N)-"Ink
"Let me stop you right there.I did not come here because Error was the Destroyer of everything.I came here because of you.I do not care for any Universe....I care for some but not all Universes so don't lump me with your Guardian job"you said

"So your telling me you don't want to stop me?"Error
"No.Although I don't know your motives are but if it involves my Universe or any certain Universes I came to enjoy.I will end you"
"Pssh..One fight doesn't mean shit"Error
"One fight might be your last"
"(Y/N) you're strong enough to become either a Guardian or a Destroyer.But you wish to be neither?"Ink
"Why?!With your protection you can even become a God!"Ink
"Who said I even want to be a god?"
"...Just please reconsider"Ink
"Yeah and join me destroying AU's"Error
"You can't keep destroying AU's because you feel like it!"Ink
"Well you can't go around and making more AU's!"Error
"Then make a truce"
"About what?"Error
"About no more destroying and no more creating"
"That does sound reasonable"Ink
"You're agreeing with that?!You make shit out boredom!How can I trust you won't make anymore filthy AU's?!"Error
"Then if he does you'll destroy it right?An eye for an eye"
"What happens he makes a thousand?"Error
"Then destroy a thousand"
"But what happens if Error here decides to wrap an AU without me noticing and pulls his strings later?"Ink
"Then I'll kill him.You'll restore the AU's and I'll take Errors place"
"Wait what?Why?!"Error
"Because I saw an interesting memory or.. story.Humans killing my loved ones...I will not just let that go.When I return to those AU's I will wreak havoc on all those disgusting humans"
"Calm down you psycho"Error
"Your the one to talk.Always playing with your victims before you kill them!"Ink
"Nah I see the appeal"
"See told you he's a psycho"Error
"(Sigh)So (Y/N) you are the most powerful person in the multiverse now.What do you declare?"Ink
"How about I just take away both your powers?"
"I don't think so"Ink
"Fuck you your ain't taking anything!"Error
"You are both powerful, but , if I don't interfere Ink will eventually win"
"Ink cannot die.Hence he is immortal.You on the other hand is mortal.All Ink has to do is wait it out. But this Anti-Void let's you stop aging.So as long as you are here you will only slow down the inevitable"

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