Chapter 76 Door to Door

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Your POV

*You teleported to the Wetlands behind a waterfall
"(Y/N) why are we here?"SS!Chara
"I wanted no interruptions"

*You made SS!Chara sit on your lap making her wrap her legs around your waist p

"(Y/N) this feels a bit...close"SS!Chara
*You made a big tent around you and SS!Chara
"That's how I like it.Unless you want to try a different position?"
"Then do you want to start?"
"J-Just don't go too far"SS!Chara
"Too far?"
"L-like only kissing"SS!Chara
"Oh...I didn't know you wanted-"you said and SS!Chara kisses you.You put your hand on the back of her head and gently giving her a small kisses.

*You put your other hand around her back making her get closer to you.SS!Chara and gets back and you see her bright red eyes.

"Too much touch?"
"No"SS!Chara kisses you and feel her tongue enter inside your mouth.You pulled her closer feeling her heart beat on your chest.You gave her a special kiss and see her getting really into the kiss.She tries to get her legs free but you pushed her to the ground.

*You went back and see her eyes wanting more.You smiled and kissed her while pull your hood up.She laughs a little and puts her arms around the back of your neck pulling you down.You feel her hot breath each time you give her a chance a chance to breathe and you made sure she doesn't feel overwhelmed.

*SS!Chara pushes you up and turns her head.
*You kissed her cheek
*She covers her mouth with her glove
*You pulled her back up and made her sit on your lap again.She rest her head on your shoulder
"So how was it?"
"...Don't ask me"SS!Chara
"Aww.So cute"
"Wanna stay here for a while"
"(Sigh) It's best I get back.Rei is gonna be mad again for not recalibrating the puzzles again"SS!Chara
"(Y/N) let's go"SS!Chara
"After one more kiss"
"...Ok"SS!Chara looked at you and kissed your lips

*You hold her the back of her head and not letting her escape from your lips.She pushes you away and...
"This what they warned me about"SS!Chara
"I see..But that was just a moment.I could've taken you in longer if I wanted too"
*SS!Chara kisses your lips
"Me too"SS!Chara
"Now let me go and go see your humans"SS!Chara
"(Sigh) Ok"You said and quickly carried her like a princess
"(Y/N) I'm not going home like this!"SS!Chara
"Too late"you said and teleported to the living room

*You see SS!Asriel walking down the stairs.He sees you.
"Unhand my sister!"SS!Asriel
"Ok"you said and put her down on the couch
"Chara where have you been?!"SS!Asriel
*You winked at her
"Hah I was sleeping on the roof"SS!Chara
"Then I was eating chocolate"SS!Chara
*You chuckled

*You felt someone kick your ass.You fell on the ground
"So you were eating chocolate with her?"Chara
*You got back up

"In a special way"
"Alright that's it.Lets go back home"Chara
"Heh not so fast I need to give her something"you said and walked closer to SS!Chara
*SS!Asriel blocks your way
"Asriel will you please let me talk to your sister one more time before I leave?"

"I won't see her for a while you know"
*SS!Asriel steps aside and watches you

*You put your hands in your jacket pockets
*You created the same music box you made in the crystal cave
"Chara can you close your eyes and hold out your hands?"
*She did and see her tiny nervous shaking in her hand.You put the music box on her hand and she opens her eyes.
"Is this from that-"SS!Chara
"Yeah it is.I hope you keep it as a momentarily goodbye gift"
*She smiles

"I'll keep this safe"SS!Chara
"Good.Asriel sorry for taking your sister.I hope we can become good brothers later"
"Hmph I don't need a brother.But my sister seems to like this gift so I hope you return soon"SS!Asriel
*SS!Asriel gave you a quick hug

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now