Chapter 105 Sleepover

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Your POV

*They started hugging you
"Can I lay back up?"
"I want to hug you back"
*They got off you and you lay on your back.They resumed hugging you and you hugged back...hard
"Not so hard!"Frisk
*You released the pressure

"Why did you throw my robe away?"
"Because it was in the way"Chara
"Do you want to continue on with our conversation from earlier?"
"No I need to tell you"
"Because I did that with her"
*Chara gets up

"Tell me.What is that exactly?"Chara
"It's the one where I tried to that with the both of you but you told me I can in two years"
*Chara hovers over your face
*Frisk covers your mouth

"How was it?"Chara
*You were stunned for a moment
"Mhmhjmjhnhjj"You said muffled
"Frisk remove your hand"Chara
"No kissing"Frisk
"I won't"Chara
(I will)
*Frisk removes her hand

"I said it was..nice.But I think I'll get addicted"
"Listen well and listen good.Next time you tell me if you're going to see her.I want to hear it from her how you did that"Chara
"Ok..But again she doesn't like visitors"
"Did you promise her that?"Chara

<Replay:SF!Chara-"I let you go if you promise to come in me">

"No I didn't actually"
"Then take me with you"Chara
"Me too"Frisk
"It's dangerous"
"We trained hard enough already"Frisk
"We could take on an army of monsters if we wanted to"Chara
"..Did you fought an army of monsters?"
*Chara lies back down and puts her head on right arm

"Undyne told me.So tell me did they hurt you?"
"Frisk used her shields while I went to scare them away"Chara
(Hmm no lies)

"Let me check your bodies.Now strip"
"Don't even dare look!" Chara
"I'll check it in your sleep"
"No you're not"Chara
"I will never forgive you if you do"Frisk
"So selfish"
"We didn't even get hurt"Frisk
"Then explain the scratches on your arms..You think I'll forget because you put on those sweaters"
"..It's from Undyne's training"Chara
"Do you dislike looking at it?"Frisk
"Yeah..It reminds of our first meeting with you"
"But you healed our scars remember"Frisk
"Do you know what I saw when I caught you two?"
"..."They said
"I saw something that I Promise myself I'll never see when your with me.I left for six days and now I see you hurt again"
"Well our training is over"Chara
"Undyne's working as a Royal Guard"Frisk
"(Sigh)...Let me check you scars"
"Quit asking"Chara
"You're funny when you think I'll obey when I see your scars"
"..Only our arms"Frisk
"And nothing else"Chara
"So that tells me you were hurt somewhere else on your body"
"..."They said
"Show me your arms now or I'll strip you and you already know I'm serious"

*They got up and sat up straight.You did the same.

*They lifted up their sleeves and you see small scars around their wrists and forearms.<About 10 on each of their arms>
*You put your hands on their arms and feel their scars.

"Do you want me to make them disappear?"
"You can?"Frisk
"No but Queen Toriel can.She's the best green magic user in the history of Monsters"
"Then let's see her later"Chara
*You continued to feel around they arms
"Stop that!" Frisk
"It's gonna go away later"Chara
"This helps remind me to never leave you by yourselves again.I dislike how you don't care for yourselves"
"..."They said
*They hugged you.
"Let's go to sleep"Chara
"We got a busy day tomorrow"Frisk
"Can I get a goodnight kiss?"
*They both kissed your cheeks
"Now my turn"
*You put your arm around Chara and pulled her into a kiss then you went to Frisk's lips and kissed her.

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now