Chapter 126 Deal

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Your POV

*You,Undyne and the humans walk over to Alphys

"Hey Alphys!"Undyne
*Alphys jumps a little and turns around
"O-oh!Your here"Alphys
"I thought she would also be a fish monster"Roine whispers
"Well it's "that kind" of unexpected love"you whispered
"H-hold on I'm not ready with the papers and photos"Alphys
"The what now?"
"I-i put together all the data about your life when we first met and how me and Undyne got through helping you communicate"Alphys

"..And you kept this why?"
"B-back then, Dr.Gaster wanted me to take note on all your actions or development growing up"Alphys
"Alright I'm out"
"Wait why?"Chara
"Because I was clueless about everything and I'm not going to relive the time they were messing with me"
"We made him put on girly dresses"Undyne
"And right there, I'm leaving"
"Do you have pictures?"Frisk
"Oh it's here in this picture book"Alphys
*You snagged the book off of Alphys's hands and floated in the air

"Hey!"Frisk and Chara
"You two ain't seeing anything"
"Give that to us!"Chara
"We just gonna take a look"Frisk
"We're not gonna tease you"Chara
"That's a lie"
"Come on,please?"Frisk pouted
"Chara join me"Frisk
"Come on"Frisk
"Please?"Frisk and Chara pouted
*You gave them the book unconsciously
"Thank you"Frisk
"I'm floating away now"
"Awww"Everyone But you looked at the pictures
"Mmmm"you said angrily

*You see everyone looking at your kid pictures and you decided to check on the energy Barriers by looking through a Gaster Palm

(Nothing seems out of the ordinary...)
*You see Royal Guards suddenly appear through the Palm
"Sir?"Royal Guard 101
"What's this?"Royal Guard 102
"It's a portal..I was just using it to check if there's anything wrong"
"Oh I see"Royal Guard 101
"Well we got it covered sir"Royal Guard 102
"There's about one hundred Royal Guards present and three hundred more in the garrisons"Royal Guard 101

"I see..Well keep up the good work and are Delta or Charlie over there?"
"No sir, but Delta made eight golems and Charlie order the all Fairies on standby just in case"Royal Guard 102
"We're ready for anything"Royal Guard 101
"Hmm how is the morale?"
"It's been all quiet so the tension is slowly dying down with every passing moment"Royal Guard 101
"The soldiers think nothing is gonna come through here since you blocked the exit"Royal Guard 102
"Where's the Captain?"
"He's with the Majesties"Royal Guard 101
"They are preparing all Monsters to meet at the Kingdom soon"Royal Guard 102
"Ok..Thanks for taking the time to talk"
"Will you be leading the monsters out sir?"Royal Guard 101
"No..The King holds that power.I prefer if we didn't fight.But if we do I'm going to fight them alone"
"Alone?"Royal Guard 101
"But sir-"Royal Guard 102
"I don't want any casualties.All soldiers must protect the Majesties no matter what.Even when you see me disappear.Understand?"
"Sir yes sir!"Both Royal Guards
"Anything else you would like to ask?"Royal Guard 101
"No you both answered what I wanted to know.That will be all"
*They bowed and you made the Palm disappear.

*Now you made a Gaster Palm at the Flower Field.
*Its Dark
(As expected but the flowers will wilt away)
*You made the Palm floated to the hole and made another Gaster Palm in the Surface and connecting to the Flower Field.
<You made it so the sunlight will reach the Flowers>

(I guess that will do)
*You made the Palm in front of you disappear

*You floated back to the others
*You see all the girls laughing while they look at the picture book and Prota is reading the papers.

"Having fun?"
*They looked at you
"(Y/N) turn small again"Frisk
"No and your cute "please" won't work on me"
"He can?How?"Roine
"M-monsters are made up of magic but (Y/N) has really good control with magic to the point he can alter his form but he can't change his species"Alphys
"Please?"Roine pouted
"I see where they got that from, but that still won't faze me"
"How about a kiss?"Chara
"(Clears throat)"Prota
"Just once Honey"Roine whispered
"Come here or your not getting one"Chara
*You floated down to the floor and walked towards Frisk and Chara.
"Close your eyes"Chara
*You did
*They both kissed your cheek..You opened your eyes

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now