Chapter 66 Chat

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Your POV

"(Y/N) why did you suddenly get mad"A-Frisk
"Don't feel like talking about it.Go ask my Frisk and Chara"
"Are you sure?"Frisk
"I'm positive I don't want to tell it"
"Where are you going?"Chara
"Going to talk to the King"you said and walked away

"Don't do anything stupid!"Chara yelled
"I won't!"you yelled back

*You walked around the castle and sense Asgore's magic.He's near.You went to find Asgore and enter a room that looks identical to the room in the Entrance of the Underground.You also sense someone following you but you ignored it.

*You see Asgore in the kitchen
"Oh (Y/N).Where are the children?"A-Asgore
"They are in the Throne Room still..I need to talk to you"
"Alright.Would you like some tea?"A-Asgore
"Yes please"
*Asgore made tea and sat down on the near the table

"So what is the matter?"A-Asgore
"Do you know about the experimentation on Monsters, injecting their souls with Determination?"
"No I don't say I do"A-Asgore
"Then this information is completely unknown to you?"
"Unknown?Wait are talking about the Amalgamates?"A-Asgore

"There's more?"
"Yes but everyone seems to happy they returned to their families"A-Asgore
"Returned?They are ok with them looking like that?"
"Yes I believe so"A-Asgore

*You sipped some tea

"Then I guess I was angry for nothing"
"Nothing,. back in my Underground we didn't experiment on Monsters with Determination.So all of this is just baffling to me"
"I see.Your Asgore didn't order to your Alphys to make an army?"A-Asgore
(So he did know what I was talking about)

"No he did.Im am the only artificial monster ever created..that lived"
"Your not a pure Monster?"A-Asgore
"No I was made in a Lab..So they experimented on me instead.The scientists back in my lab only thought about the idea but never actually did it..Well besides me of course"

"So your an artificial monster that looks like a human and was put through Determination experiments and lived?"A-Asgore
"Yeah I think that's sums it all up"
"So that's why your strong"A-Asgore
"I guess"
"Well is that all?"A-Asgore

"Yeah but I have one thing, do you know what soul trait is my soul"you said and showed Asgore your soul
"..Hmm No.I never seen a Monster soul like this"A-Asgore
"I see"you said and put it back

"Didn't the scientists in your Underground know?"A-Asgore
"No they didn't.They said it was unknown to them as highly dangerous though"
"Yeah they wanted me dead just because I could potentially be dangerous"

*Asgore spits out his tea

"They wanted you dead?"A-Asgore
"Because they thought you might be dangerous?"A-Asgore
"But that would've destroyed their purpose right?Unless they made more Artificial Monsters"A-Asgore
"They did.They're were a hundred more"
"Then they-"A-Asgore
"All died.They were only created..just to die"You said in a sad tone
"..I'm sorry I kept asking"A-Asgore
"No it's ok.I kept talking about it"

*You sense the humans and Asriel coming

"But it looks like it's dinner time right?"
"Ahh yes it appears so"A-Asgore said and checked his clock

*The humans and Asriel walked in

"Ah children.Would you like something to eat?"A-Asgore
"Sure"A-Asriel and A-Frisk
"Is it alright I make dinner?"
"You can cook?"A-Asgore
"Yes sir"
"Well then please use our kitchen however you like"A-Asgore
"Heh ok"
"(Y/N) are you still mad?"Frisk
"I'm ok.I talked it out with Asgore"
"Well if your ok then I won't ask"Frisk
"Did you tell them?"
"Hm"You said and walked into the kitchen

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now