Chapter 17 Outcomes

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<*Warning Chapter Over 1,700 words your eye holes will be dry up like mine>

Your POV

"Listen when we go in the lab I have the Monitors look after you"
"Wait then how can you protect me and Chara if you're not with us"Frisk
"So do you want to go down an elevator leading to a dark eerie floor where a scary looking scientist lives and usually never leaves?"You said
"Um ok I'll stay with the Monitors"Frisk
"Great now I hope your ready"you said
"Ready for what?"Chara asked
"The temperature is about to get Hot"
*You passed the sign "Welcome To Hotland"

*You are now in Hotland.The hottest place in the Underground
"Damn what the actual hell"Chara
"Are you serious?!This place is literally has flowing lava!"Frisk
"Yeah and be careful you might fall in"
*They took your warning
"Why do you even bother living here?"Chara
"Well you remember Snowdin was freezing cold"
"You didn't see it because of the trees but there's a worker throwing blocks of ice into a river"
"When we went to Waterfall there was a bunch of rivers but they all lead to one place.And that's here in Hotland."
"So you guys are trying to cool off Hotland?"Frisk
"Not exactly...But
*You arrived in the front of the Lab

"Oh we're here already I'll talk to the Monitors so don't cause any trouble when I leave."
"Ok"Chara and Asriel
"We won't"Frisk
*You all entered the lab and met the Monitors

"Alphys?" You asked
"Oh hey (Y/N)"Alphys replied
"I thought you were working on a project?"you said
"Oh I've finished that already"Alphys
"Oh that fast?!What was it anyways?"
"Erm it was a combat robot if the humans go rouge.Dr.Gaster helped me so it was finish sooner than I expected"Alphys
"Oh I see.Speaking of the humans.Can you watch them and Asriel"
"Erm is that okay for them to be here?"Alphys
"Yeah don't worry Gaster said it's alright"
"Huh alright"Alphys
"You can show them some anime if they get bored"
*Alphys had an excited expression
"I leave them to you Alphys"you said as you left
*You head down the elevator and went to Gaster's lab

<Back to great old Wing Dings>
"Hey Gaster I'm here"
<You know what happens next>
"So what have you learned"
"Well so far they look really fragile and don't appear to use magic"
"Anything else?"
"Hm.Chara really loves chocolate and Frisk said something about little lights or something"
"Be serious (Y/N) I ne-...lights you say"
"Yup.Why is that a problem?"
"No it's just what I hoped for"
"So are you gonna tell me?"
"Later.All you need to do now is watch these seven when I'm gone"
"Um where are you going?"
"Just a little visit with the King and Queen like usual"
"Ah I see.Well then...Did you name them already?
*You see nameplates on each of the tubes
*Starting from the left you read Allegro, Callisto,Boulder,Sans,Papyrus,Scepter,Socket
"Yes after seeing what you did earlier got me thinking, so I have their names placed when you were gone"
"But why did you choose these names?"
"I didn't, they did.I had a list of names, and like how you made them respond to you,I said certain words until any of them respond to it"
"Ah cool.So is there anything I need to do"
"No I already checked them before you arrived now I'm heading off.Be sure to report if anything happens."
"You got it boss"
*Gaster left

*You got comfortable and watched over your family
*You closed your eyes...Moments later...
*You hear a crack.You open your eyes and checked the tubes.All of their souls started to glow and looking deformed.*You called Gaster
*He picks up


Gaster's POV

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now