Chapter 119 Birthday Present

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Your POV

*You,the humans,The SS!Group,The Majesties,The Six Loyal Royal Guards, and The Thirteen Judges walked into the Throne Room

"Humans and other Asriel.Please stay in the Throne Room until we return"Asgore
"Can we come too?"Rei
"They can if they wish"
"Well I'm going"Chara
"Me too"Frisk
"Well she's not going without me"Rei
*Everyone stared at SS!Frisk
"Ok I'll go!"SS!Frisk

*You walked beside Asriel and proceeded to go to the Barrier.The King and Queen followed behind you with everyone else.

"Hey that present I promise you"
"You have it?"Asriel
"'s been the glimpse of the Surface the whole time"
"You mean-"Asriel
"Yup..Now stand here and hold your parents hands"

*Asriel went to Asgore and Toriel and held their hands

*You walked to the surface of the Barrier.
(Oh how I dream of shattering you...Because of your existence I was put through hell.But now your just gonna be like him..another memory that I'll forget)
(Ok quit talking in your head and break it)

*You turned into your second form
"Whao Whao"Royal Guards

*You punched the Barrier with all your might and see it cracked...It began healing itself
(It wasn't enough?!!)
*You got pissed
(HyperKinetic Extortion-Enhanced Strength)
(Say what?)

*You put your right fist towards the Barrier.You made a single flick.<Yes your pulling a Deku>
*The surface of the Barrier in front of you suddenly shattered like glass and see the whole Barrier's surface collapsing with the sudden damage.But the force you put out created winds so strong that it was equivalent to a force of a gigaton punch.


*You looked back and see everyone being protected by the Thirteen Judges
"You couldn't give us a warning?!!"Alpha
"You could've blown them to pieces!!"Bravo
"You're lucky we were here"Sloth

*You suddenly<Not on purpose> turn back to normal
"Sorry..if I didn't..get serious this Barrier..would be-"You said and suddenly started stumbling
*You tripped then Frisk and Chara quickly caught you

"You used too much energy again didn't you"Chara
"We told you to never do that"Frisk
"Sorry..I broke our promise"
"Just rest"Chara
"The Barrier is gone"Frisk
"Hah again"Chara
"Heh ok..I'll rest.."
*The Majesties and the SS!Group hovered over you

"What's wrong (Y/N)?!"Asriel
"He just used too much energy"Frisk
"Oh dear, (Y/N) was it too much for you again?"Toriel
"This happened before..(Y/N) just rest.Judges I'm sure you know what to do"Asgore
"Yes sire"The Thirteen Judges
"Then go.We'll watch (Y/N), and the Royal Guards here will take care of us"Toriel
*You faintly sense the The Judges leaving but one of them walks up to you

*It was Greed
"Here Deary"Greed gave you a Spider Doughnut
"Thanks"You said and ate the Spider Doughnut

*Greed quickly left
"(Y/N) was that-"Chara
"Yes..that was her"you said and got up
"Hey lay back down!"Frisk
"I'm fine"you said rubbing your head.You suddenly lost sensation in your legs and was caught by Frisk.You laid back down on her lap

"Told you"Frisk
"Stop acting tough you idiot"Chara
"Just rest"SS!Chara
"You can get up when you're feeling better"SS!Frisk

"Why are you acting weak?"Rei
"Because I use all my strength in that single moment.Now I feel like sleeping"
"Then sleep"Asriel
"Let's return back to our Private Quarters"Asgore
"Yes sir"Royal Guards
"Come along children"Toriel
*Asgore picked you up and held you on his shoulder like a bag
"(Y/N) is that comfortable for you?"Chara
"Yeah..despite how he looks..He's pretty fluffy"
"(Snickers)Yes he is.Now (Y/N) you are not allowed to get up without our permission ok?"Toriel
"Punk that was awesome!!"Undyne
"All your hard work really paid off!"Alphys
"Heh I closed my eyes so I didn't see anything"
"Wait are we sleeping over (Y/N)?"Frisk
"Can they?!"Asriel
"(Chuckles)Of course.We will make the beds after dinner"Asgore
"Ok"The humans
"Wait isn't their a night buffet?"Chara
"There is but that's for all the Kingdom's residents.Its being held in the streets of the Kingdom where all the food and dessert shops are open"Toriel
"They were not allowed to sell food until it was 6:00pm sharp.So Everyone is having a big feast to themselves"Asgore
"I was supposed to go with the Judges though"
"You're staying with us"Chara
"But I'm worried about them"
"I'm sure they will be fine"Asgore
"They're the strongest Monsters you know right?Thats why you trained with them"Toriel
"You were raised by judges too?"SS!Chara
"We used to train him but then the other Judges was interested in training him.So he is capable of telling lies"Toriel
"He supposed to be one of them but he refused.He said something about it being a hassle"Asgore
"So why did they like him?"Chara
"Well we don't know"Toriel
"Because I was able to do whatever they wanted me to do"
"Hmm..Can't think right now"
"Then Shut up and sleep"Chara
"But knowing them...I should be out there"
"We said no!"Frisk and Chara
"Stop talking about that.You can go their tomorrow"SS!Chara
"(Sigh)Asriel was supposed to be the first one to see it too"
"It's ok.But it was cool to see the Barrier being shattered!"Asriel said happily
"I can't believe he was telling the truth back in my Universe"Rei
"Why would I lie?"
"Because that was my dream!"Rei
"Oh..did you give up on that?"
"Oh ok..I guess I'll let you do it"
"Rei just ask him already"SS!Chara
"Mmmm...(Y/N) can you help me..break our Barrier?"Rei
"Help in what way?"
"In a you taking care of it in a way"
"Sure but..Alphys"
"I'm afraid I need stupid amounts of energy again"
"What do you need?"Alphys
"Something powerful"
"Well I could punch you"Undyne
"Asgore can you punch me?"
"Oh right.That would replenish your energy back right?"Asgore
*Asgore sets you back down and you stood up the best you can
*Asgore threw a punch and You absorb the impact
*You feel better but not at full strength
"Ok Undyne and Asgore punch me like I was the Barrier"
"Can't Punk..My suit is gonna be torn to shreds"Undyne
"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll make up for it by going all out"Asgore

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