Chapter 57 Special

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Your POV

*You made a chocolate shake for yourself.
*You sipped the shake while you waited for the pizza to be done baking in the oven.
*You see Chara come to the Kitchen
*She stares at you
"You can't have this"
"I didn't even want it!" Chara
"Mhm.That would be something new"
"(Scoffs)Can you come here?"Chara
"To you or the living room"
"...To me"Chara
"Ok"You said and moved closer to her
"Now put that away"Chara said pointing the shake

*You place the shake on top of the refrigerator.She can't reach it

"I heard from Frisk that you gave her a special kiss"Chara
"I did"
"Can..I get one"Chara
"Can you say that again?"
"I want a special~kiss"Chara
*You kissed her and see her eyes glowed red.She grabs onto you and not letting you back away.
*You tried pry her off you and succeeded.You see her wanting more.
"Chara get back"
"I thought you like kissing me"Chara said softly
"I do but I never thought you turned into this"
"You don't like me anymore?"Chara
*You kissed her and she laughs a little.You put her back on the counter and she smiles.She pushes you back

"Yeah I don't want them to see us going crazy"Chara
"Hmm.Just one more"
"(Giggles)Ok"Chara said and gave you a tiny kiss
*You see her trying to reach the chocolate shake
*You chuckled to yourself
*You got the shake and gave it to her
*Chara smiles and kissed your cheek.She walks back but pauses

"I actually came here to ask you to come in the living room"Chara said and quickly leaves
"That cheeky human"
*You checked the pizza.Eight more minutes til it's done.
(Better to make the temperature low in case I take too long and forget)

*You left the kitchen and see Frisk and Chara hiding something behind them

"What happened to Undyne and Happstablook?"
"They're upstairs making Undyne try the tuxedo"Frisk
"Oh ok.So what do you need?"
"Close you eyes and hold out your hands"Chara
*You did
"Like this?"You asked
*You feel something soft on your hands
"Now open your eyes"They both said

*You did and see a poorly made black sweater.You turned it around and saw the front side.You smiled
*You saw a heart shape on the heart area.In the center of the shape is the letters having "F&C"
"You like?"They asked
"Heh I like a lot.When did you two even have time to make this?"
"Just today"Frisk
"Try it on and see if we got the measurements right"Chara
*You took off your white jacket and wore the black sweater.It was a bit loose in the sleeves and too long at the bottom.
"Ahh damn"Chara
"I thought we got it right too"Frisk
"What was your reference?"you asked
"Uhm we didn't use one"Frisk
"Take it off and throw it away.We'll start over"Chara
"Take it off!"Chara
"No way this is my second gift and I'm keeping it"
"No you just make it more embarrassing every time you wear it!"Frisk
"Then I just treasure it"
"No burn it!"Chara
*You hugged them
"I will cherish anything you give me.Even if you might regret giving it to me"
"Just never wear it in front of us"Frisk
"And don't even show this to anyone"Chara
"Heh no promises"
"Do you want me to take it off now?"
"Yes!"They both said
"Heh ok"You said and took off the sweater

"You know if you want the accurate version then.."You said and created a new and approved black sweater with a Monster soul shape and in the center of it is your initials replaced with Chara's and Frisk's.
"Why did you replace the letters?"Frisk
"Because if I did,you would wanted me to have the one I made, instead of yours"
"..Not true"Chara
"Also the heart is upside down"Frisk
"That's a Monster soul or AKA my soul"
"..."They said
"So how does it feel?"
"This feels softer"Frisk
"And it feels comfortable"Chara
*You pulled them in for a hug and whispered between them
"Because I made it with love"you whispered and you backed away
"Do you want some more?"Chara
"Of course...but after dinner and when they leave"
"Well duh"Chara
"We can't just do that when somebody is around"Frisk

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now