Chapter 19 A Fight

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Your POV

*You went back for Asriel and started thinking
"Frisk..Chara I think I have a better plan"you said
"What is it?"Chara and Frisk

"Well you told me that everytime you meet Gaster you two will...will always die."
"Yeah and?"Chara
"That means that will never change if you two aren't prepared what's gonna happen.You should be able to defend yourselves."
"Are you saying we're gonna FIGHT that monster scientist?"Frisk
"Well no...I can take care of that.You'll just be able to learn how to dodge so you won't be helpless."
"So we're learning how to FIGHT by not FIGHTing at all?"Frisk

"What's the point in that?Wouldn't it be better if we help you?"Chara
"No because you'll only get in my way"
"So your still going back there huh?Chara
"Yeah I am but I'm not going to meet him.I'll just need to search what's he's been up to"
"Then we'll come with you."Frisk
"No yo-"
"But if anything goes wrong we can always come back here and tell you it won't work"Chara
"That reminds why do you come back at this certain time?
"I think because of the glowing yellow lights"Frisk
"Yellow lights...I've never seen any of those in my life in the Underground."
"Maybe it's only because we're mostly human"Frisk
"Hmm I wonder.I faintly remember what happened but it just feels like a dream."
"But you didn't remember anything the first and second time we died"Frisk
"Nope not really"
"I wonder what's different from the first few times?"Chara
"Yeah I wonder as well"

*You arrived at Napstablook House again
"Asriel...we're here"you said
*You hear Asriel crying.Its coming from the corner of the room.But there's no one there.You reached your arm out to the empty corner.You feel something.
"Wha..don't touch me"Asriel?
"Asriel is that you?"you called out
"No"Asriel said sobbing
"Hey Asriel I'm sorry I didn't mean to give you that look.I promise I'll make it up to you."
"By making it up to you by helping you learn how to use magic!"you offered
"You did manage to stay with them the whole day yesterday.So how about we start now?And when that's done let's go to Grilby's and eat that burger."
*Asriel reappeared
"(Light sobs)yeah okay"Asriel
"Hug?"you asked
*Asriel took your offer
"Okay..Im sorry let's go to the training ground.And you also got two new classmates."
*You went to Undyne's house to use her training ground.

"So how do we start?"Frisk and Chara
"Well we will be starting with a two on two match.Me and Asriel versus you two."
"Well ok but how do we start?"Chara
*You and Asriel started a FIGHT with Frisk and Chara.
"Well you start by dodging our attacks.Dont worry we'll be only throwing these rubber balls."
"So it's like dodgeball?"Frisk
*You threw a rubber ball at Frisk
*She dodges
"Oh nice reflexes"you said

"Alright Asriel your turn but go easy on them."
*Asriel nods and threw the ball at Chara
*The ball hit the ground before it could reach her
"That's alright Asriel I'll put some of my magic so it really hits next time"
*Asriel nods and gets ready for Frisk and Chara
"Alright your turn"you said
"What do yo-"Chara
*She says something but pauses
"You see it right.The four options?You put your hand over one of them and-Whao!"You said while dodge a rubber come flying at you

*Chara and Frisk threw the balls back at you

"Alright this means war.No mercy Asriel, let's give them are combo attack."
*Asriel nods and you slap your magic onto the balls and handed them over to Asriel.He then turn them invisible and threw the balls at Chara and Frisk
"Wait hold on that's-"Chara
*Your magic kicked in causing the balls to ricochet around Frisk and Chara.
(Man it didn't even hit them)
"That's so cheating!"Frisk
"It's not..Its magic"you said with a smirk
"Oh I see how it is"Chara
*This practice FIGHT turned into an all out dodgeball fight.You finished FIGHTing? and rested until Undyne arrived

*Undyne has appeared

"What are you punks doing here?"Undyne
"We were(inhale) teaching them how to FIGHT(exhale)"you said exhaustedly
"Are you sure?Looks like they were teaching
you."Undyne said looking at you laying on the ground
"Hah told you we won!" Chara
"In your dreams...We clearly landed more hits than you"you said
"How about a rematch then?"Frisk
"Nah I'm too tired to win again"you replied
"We get it.Your just scared"Chara
"Alright let's go!"You said getting back up
"Alright Asriel let-"you were about to say but you saw Asriel napping already
"That's alright I got this"you said with confidence
"Not so tough when your little prince is
napping on you"
"Then you won't have any excuses when you miss"you said with a smirk
"Alright then lets just get this over with"Frisk and Chara about to throw the rubber balls but

"Wait wait wait.Are you teaching them how to FIGHT by using these weak little things?!"Undyne
"Well yeah I don't want to hurt them."you replied
"So you only taught them how to dodge?"
"Of course it's a problem how are they gonna defend themselves if they don't fight back?!"Undyne
"That's what we said!"Chara
"But if they hurt the other monsters wouldn't that cause more problems?"you replied
"No it won't because it would've been seen as selfdefense!"Undyne
"Then by all means please show them how it's done.Unless you think you can't handle it."You said
"What was that!I'll show you how it's done you punk"Undyne said with a glow in her eyes

<Undyne has both eyes in this universe>

(This is better than I expected)
"Alright you two get ready for a real FIGHT!"Undyne said
*Undyne is serious about teaching
"Good luck you two!"You said
*Undyne showed them no MERCY.She unleashes her flying blue spears.They easily dodged them.
(Guess the practice FIGHT was still worth it)
"You punks are really good.Now show me what your made of!"Undyne
*Chara showed Mercy
*Frisk used Flirt
*"I didn't know you missed me that much"She said to Undyne
"FRISK what was that?!"You asked
"Yeah I want you two to hit me not..Not what the hell that was."Undyne
"I thought this what you wanted?"Frisk
"Yeah she ain't hurting anyone"Chara
"Well you can do that with (Y/N) but if your facing ME then you got to get SERIOUS!"Undyne
*Undyne gives her spears to Chara and Frisk and attack them in all four cardinal directions.They blocked the first wave but here comes the yellow spears.They blocked the incoming blue spears but they got hit by the yellow ones.

"Hey Undyne I think that's already too much"you said
*She doesn't respond
"Frisk...Chara are you alright?!"you asked
"Yeah we're fine"Frisk and Chara
(Oh at least they don't look that hurt.I better be ready if they can't handle it.)
*Undyne got even more serious she attacks them with her full strength but they defended them this time.But Undyne didn't stop she made blue spears appear above them and was getting ready to go down
(Alright time to stop this)

*You rushed over to them and pushed them out of the way.The blue spears rain down on you instead.Luckily you stopped moving just in time.
"Undyne this isn't what I want you to teach them!"
"Shut up and stay there.You two!Come inside my house or (Y/N) will be hurt if you don't."Undyne

"Wait Undyne don't you dare hurt them!"you yelled out
"Don't worry about that.Worry about yourself."Undyne said as she opens the door
"It's alright (Y/N) I think she just wants to talk"Frisk
"We can take care of ourselves.You saw us defend her attacks."Chara
(Because she gave you a chance to FIGHT back)
"Just be careful...alright"you said
"Of course"Frisk and Chara
*You hear the door closed
*Five minutes go by
(Man I'm bored)

Next time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now