Chapter 115 Ceremony

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<Hope you enjoy today's five chapters>
Your POV

*You're in the kitchen and made a clone with a black tuxedo.Your Partner took control of it

"Game time?"Partner
"Yup..Go go to the castle now.I'll meet you there"
*Your Partner teleported away

*Time skip where everyone ate breakfast..but a small one because you all gonna devour the Buffet later.Now you are all dressed and you're about to tell everyone how to act properly...

"Now you all look great have to act like it"
"Ok how?"Chara
"Stand up straight,never talk to a Royal Guard because they won't talk back,monsters won't harm you in the presence of the King and Queen so don't worry about that, and never..And this is really important..Never cause or be in a fight"
"Got it"Frisk
"Sounds simple"Chara
"Let's go already!"Rei said excitedly
"I hope they won't stare too much"SS!Chara
"Yeah I just wanted to see what it looks like"SS!Frisk

"Alright then let me call everyone who's going so I know this will be fun"
*You called Happstablook

"Yessss? Darling?"Happstablook
"Is Napstablook going?"
"We're Already Waiting By The Castle Gates..And Little Shyren Is Here"Happstablook
"Nice..Is Undyne there?"
"Nope But She Said She's Waiting For Alphys To Come Out"Happstablook
"Alright I'm gonna portal to the Lab"
"Good Luck Darling"Happstablook
*You hanged up then called Alphys

"Alphys it me"
"(Y-Y/N) h-help I c-can't do it"Alphys
"I'll be there"
"Now"you said and hanged up

*You made a Gaster portal to the Lab
"Everyone we're gonna help boost Alphys's confidence stats"
"Just cheer her up because she's feeling nervous"
"On it"Frisk looking Determined

*Everyone went through and you closed the portal
*You see Alphys in the black dress and panicking
"I'll get Undyne"
"I'm just gonna help her as well.Frisk and Chara will prep you"
"Don't worry Alphys Undyne is gonna adore you in that dress"Frisk
"You look fantastic.I bet "she's" the one who's gonna panic next"Chara said with confidence

*You walked out to the entrance of the Lab and you see Undyne sweating profusely
"Oh god"
"Punk help me!!"Undyne said while gripping your shoulders
"On it"You said and made a portal at Snowdin
*Cold wind blowed through and cooling Undyne

"Ahhhhhhh....Thanks Punk"Undyne getting relaxed
"You should've called"
"I thought Alphys would open up right away"Undyne
"Well luckily I called first..Want me to keep this portal open?"
"Yes please"Undyne
"How are you feeling?"
"Nervous and pretty damn excited"Undyne
"Heh just go like we talked to her as much as you can and when the song and dance event is on you make your ultimate move"
"Right!I talk to her and dance and..."Undyne
"And tell her how you feel"
*Undyne yells her battle cry and getting pumped

"Alright lets head to the castle"
*Undyne nods
*You closed the portal then walked back to Alphys and the others

"Hey Alphys"Undyne
"H-hey Undyne.You look great!..........Lets head to the castle now!"
*You had a big smile
"Quit smiling punk and make a portal already"Undyne
*You made a portal at the Castle's Gates and walked through.

*SS!Chara wore a lime green ball gown with green wrist sleeves and on her head is a silver, emerald decorated, tiara.

*SS!Frisk come out wearing a blue and purple-ish ball gown with white wrist sleeves and on her head is a silver, blue sapphire decorated, tiara.

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now