Chapter 9 Falling into Place

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<Hope you have enough time to read this Chapter.Over 1,600 words coming right at ya eye holes>

Nobody's POV
"I don't know how you got here Frisk but stay out of this"Frisk father said

(This little brat is gonna take away my opportunity of owning that damn house)Frisk father

"Trying to SAVE your friend Frisk?Well that's too bad.Good try.If we were too focus on Chara's mom sudden visit,I bet you would've succeeded"Mayor
"Men put this kid back in the carriage and hurry it's almost sunset"he ordered
As one of the townspeople try to grab Chara they were suddenly been strucked
*Chara's father punched Townsmen "That just got clocked in" causing him to fall over the other townspeople
"Don't touch her"Chara's father
The mayor was hit from behind
*Chara's mom knocked out the mayor with a torch
The townspeople were stunned seeing their leader knocked out
Chara's dad grabbed and tossed her over to Chara's mom.
She nodded and ran but was blocked by people pointing spears and pitchforks at her.She saw a small gap through between them.Chara's dad help her out by knocking them down by coming from side.She went for it but getting cuts while being hurled by falling spears and pitchforks.
*Chara's father sees his wife bleeding as she ran

*Townspeople in the area 98 left

(Were these bastards actually trying to kill them?)
*In a raging passion Chara's father grabbed one of the spears on the ground and throwing it back at them.The spear went through three people.He picked up a couple and throwing at anyone close to his wife.

*Townspeople in the area 87 left

The people weren't facing a raging beast.In there eyes, they saw a Red Eyed Demon.Most of them ran scared but it didn't make a difference.

*Townspeople in the area 66 left

The remaining townspeople surrounded him in a circle.Theres no openings.Surround by spears and pitchforks.
They all thrust spears into him.

Chara's mom POV
(I ran from the ritual place and headed up the mountain.My legs are aching.Dammit I'm tired from all this running.)
*I check to see Chara's body
"Oh my dear, I got some blood on you"
*I tried to rub off it until I heard something behind me.I hid behind a nearby tree and laying low.The foot steps got closer and closer....The sounds stopped.I peaked around the tree.I saw a shadowy figure and I quickly turned back.
(Oh no they caught up to me,how I changed in different directions in case anyone tried to follow.)
*Looks at the ground.You've been leaving a blood trail.
(Oh shit)
You hear the footsteps heading towards your position.You tried to run one more time but slipped on your blood.You hit the ground hard while holding Chara away from the ground.
*Someone heard you and spotted you and said-

"Chara's mom it's just me,Frisk!"

Frisk's POV

I got taken way by dad and holding me by the wrist.
There was a commotion and screaming.I saw Chara's mom running away with Chara in her arms up the mountain.Dads gripped loosened for a moment.You took that chance to get away from him and follow Chara's mom.
"Wait come back he-" <trash foster father>
*A spear went through Frisk's dad, but Frisk looked behind her.She only ran and never turned back.

*I headed towards the direction Chara's mom went but I spot something on the ground.
(Blood?She's hurt.I better catch up with her quick.)
(I can't believe how much she traveled with the amount of blood I passed by.)
(I think I see her.)
I ran through some bushes to catch up to her but as soon I went through she's gone.
(What?! I just saw her.I couldn't have lost her that fast.Oh right the trail.I followed it for a bit and heard something hit the ground, it's Chara's mom)
"Chara's mom it's me,Frisk" I said helping her up
"You scared me you know that?!" She said
"Sorry, and don't worry I saw no one following me"
"Oh that's good"she said then collapsed on the ground
"Are you alright?!"
"Yes I just need time to rest.Anyway how did you follow me so fast?" She asked
"Oh...uhm I followed your trail of blood"
"Oh..right I forgot"she faintly said
"Are you really alr-"
"Hurry and find them!" You faintly hear
(Some of the townspeople that retreated from the fight actually left follow Chara's mom)
(Oh no they're here)
"I'm sorry I was sure I wasn't followed"
"No it's not your fault, it's mine.They must follow the blood like you.Here take Chara and leave me here."
She said while handing me Chara
"Wait i ca-"
"Frisk your a sweet girl, but Chara and I tried to SAVE you please don't let it all go to waste" she said
"Ayy I heard something over here"
"Just go and head to the top" She faintly said
"Thank you" You say while leaving with Chara
*You left the area

No one's POV
"Hey the trail ends by that tree over there"
"Looking for someone?"Chara's mom said as she smiled
"Dosent matter you and husband are dead and it will be your dau-
*Charas mom cut his throat with a red glowing knife

*Townspeople in the area 10

"You get her over my dead body" =)
"This family is fool of freaks,archers kill this bitch!"

*Townspeople in the area 6

"None of you are leaving here alive" she threatened
(Damn I'm at my limit I can barely run)
"Heh having trouble standing?" Archer A said
"I'm still standing aren't I" she replied
*Archer aims for her legs.Fires.It hits her
"Well let's find out how long" Archer B
*The rest of the Archers aim right her.She tries to move away but
"I'm sure she'll live a long life"
"Who the hell"Archer A
*A spear hit four of the archers
The father has returned and is covered in blood

*Archers left 2
<How unfortunate>

"You damn demons should just go to hell"Archer D
"You first" She said

*1 Archer left

"How about we all forget about this and I won't tell anyone I saw you?"Archer C
"Sure" Chara's dad said and moved aside
"Oh thank you Thank You,I will not forget your kindness"Archer C
(Idiot I'll come back with more people to kill you and avenge my friends)
"Why did you let him go?"She said
"I just needed him get away from you"
*He picks up the bow and arrow of the dead archer
"Don't miss"She said
"Don't worry, I won't"
He fires. Headshot

*This area is cleared

"Honey are you ok your covered all over!"Mom
"Have you looked at a mirror?!"Dad
They both chuckled a bit
"Let's reunite with our daughter"Dad

Frisk's POV

I left Chara's mom and finally reached the top of the mountain.At the center of the top of the mountain was a huge hole.You couldn't see the bottom.Theres vines growing along the cavern walls.
*You settle Chara down and decided to rest.You hope Chara's parents were alright.
(Ugh my clothes are ruined.)
*You here something moving, coming over where you were when you came to the top.
"Chara's Mom?!"you said in positive attitude
"Yes don't worry child I'm here"
(Wait that's a mans voice)

*The mayor appears before you holding a torch

"Wha..Wheres Chara's Mom!" You asked while slowly walking backwards to Chara
"I can't FIGHT those two demons,no man can!...Well
dosent matter now I came here for my sacrifice and I'm getting MY sacrifice!Mayor looking insane
"No!"you grabbed Chara but you slowly slip and slide towards the mountain hole
"There's no escape child, only death awaits for you.Those stupid demons would come here seeing there efforts were pointless!"
*You move fast as possible but he was gaining on you.You were almost at the edge of the hole.
"Haha haha foolish child you will die by fire or your own stupidity!" He said
*He pulls out a rope and made into a lasso.He spins it around and catches you two
"It's not customary to burn sacrifices on the mountain top but I'm sure my God would forgive me.
*He douses you with a liquid covering you and Chara.Smells like oil.
"I offer two children,in return I call out to you My God in the heavens to give my people a glorious har-"
*The mayor fell to the ground and has a red glowing knife on his back.
"You can offer yourself to your God."Mom
*The parents has arrived
*But as the mayor fell he dropped the torch,hitting the ground,lighting up a trail of oil on fire,heading towards you and Chara.You try to break free from the rope but ended slipping towards the cavern hole
*Charas dad rushes in to save you but he sees you fall.He looked down to see the rope going down he grabs it slid down and stopping at the edge, getting caught by the wife.
*He pulls you up slowly and carefully
*He fell backwards and realized the rope snapped from being burnt by the fire.He looks over the edge seeing Frisk holding onto a vine on one hand and the other tightly holding onto Chara
"Hang in there"Chara's dad yelled
<This is no time for jokes>
"I-I can't I'm slipp-"
*Those were your final words as you fell into the dark abyss.Your last thoughts were hugging Chara to try to SAVE her when hit the ground.
*Blacked out

<Sorry I just can't cut it into separate Chapters cuz I want this part to be done>

Next time

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