Chapter 148 Return to SF!

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<Lemon or Smut at the end>

Your POV

*You stood in front of a black,crumbling looking, door.You took a deep breath and exhaled.
(Love this place)
"Well this will be the last time we go here.Now get that negativity or do you wish to stay?"
(Last?...Alright let me out)

*You created the Black Dog..Partner takes control over it.
(A dog again?)
"This isn't a serious issue.So there's no reason to go all out"
(Alright Just don't ditch me)
"I had the chance to ditch you.Now go"
(You like me-)
"I will manipulate your body to turn you into a snail"
(Love you too-)
*You tried to kick Partner but it teleported somewhere

"Damn pest"
*You teleported to Frosted Fields and see its still the same as ever.You floated towards SF!Chara's house.
*You see Partner running to house to house and sense Monsters dropping to the floor

(Don't go to Grillby's)
(God! I thought you were behind me!)
(Fuck You!)
*You see the Tem Squad still outside at SF!Chara's house.
*They see you
"Human!"Leader Tem
"Boss is backs!"Tem
*The Tem squad run to your feet
"Where was you?"Curios Tem
"It's been a long time"Greedy Tem
"I thoughts you dead"Nervous Tem
"And I would kill you made you dead"Scar Tem
"Let's go insides"Leader Tem

"New Tem is with the trash..I mean your toys"Nervous Tem
"Heh it's nice to finally reunite with you guys.But tell me how is Chara..The one with the black jacket"
"Oh..She has been sad"Curios Tem
"But then New Tem made her smile a bit"Leader Tem
"She said to kill you when you come back"Tem
"We agreed"Greedy Tem
"But we lies because we likes you better"Leader Tem
"Do you want me to kill?"Scar Tem
"No no.But keep guarding the house I want alone time with my toys"
"Hoi!"All the Tems said
<I gotta be honest I forgot their names so I went back to read to find out>

*You entered SF!Chara's house.

*You see SF!Asriel and SF!Frisk on the couch.You quietly teleported behind them.
*SF!Frisk looked behind the couch
(You are very interesting)
*SF!Frisk sees you and gets off the couch
"How did you keep doing that!"SF!Frisk
*SF!Asriel looked at you and gets off the couch.

"You!Ive been meaning to talk to you!"SF!Asriel
"Ok..Let's talk"
"...Why did you take forever to come back?"SF!Asriel
"Been really busy..and now my business is with all of you.More specifically you and your family..and Frisk if she wants to come"
"Go where?"SF!Frisk
"To a better and beautiful place than this.Wont you follow?"
"U-uhm I need to know more about this place"SF!Frisk
"If you don't trust me then you can stay here.But I'm taking Chara without a second thought"
*You floated to SF!Chara's room

"Hey don't even dare go in there!"SF!Asriel
"I already talked, now I want Chara"
*You open the door and went inside.You locked the them looked over to the bed.

*You see Shadow Tem looking at a big lump on the bed that had sadness hiding under the blankets.
(I'm sorry)

*You walked to the right side of the bed
"Chara it's me"
*You laid on the bed and lift up the blanket.You see SF!Chara sleeping
*You hear a knock on the door
"Open it up!Or I'm burning it down!"SF!Asriel
*You teleported behind SF!Asriel
*You grabbed him and teleported to the shed inside the prison cell

"You will stay here or I'm just taking your sister and you won't be able to see her again.If you knock on her door again.I will do just that"
"Get your hand off me!"SF!Asriel

"Just give me time to talk to Chara"
"...You better not fuck her"SF!Asriel
"Whao there.Asriel I'm cool with your bad language and attitude but please keep it mature"
"Shut up!"SF!Asriel
*You teleported back to SF!Frisk

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now