Chapter 107 Sweet Shop

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Your POV

*Asriel and Rei walks over to you.
"What are you two wearing?"

*They're wearing a plane black hat with a white Delta Rune but it's decorated with a gold chain, monster stickers, and pair of sunglasses

"The top two coolest hats there is of course"Rei
"Now everyone would be intimidated by two cool Asriels"Asriel
"Heh...ahh"you said in pain
"Are you ok?"Asriel
"No...I feel pretty weak"
"What happen?"Rei
"Uhh you could say Chara stopped me from delivering a punch line"
"Do you need a healer?"Asriel
"No..I'll teleport to the castle later to ask the Queen"
*Frisk comes back to check you

"Hey..They finished changing want to go and see how they look?"Frisk
"Yeah"Asriel and Rei
*Frisk looks worried

"Let's hurry"Frisk said and grabs your wrist to pull you up
"Uh ok"
*You all headed near the dressing area

*You see Happstablook trying to give SS!Chara a emerald decorated silver tiara
"No I'm not putting that on!"SS!Chara
"Oh My You're Just Like Chara"Happstablook
"Because I am!"SS!Chara
"Then Quit Whining Just Like Her"Happstablook
"Chara help me"SS!Chara
"Nah..this is so fun to watch"Chara

"Heh you look great Chara"
*SS!Chara wore a lime green ball gown with green wrist sleeves.
"Don't look at me!"SS!Chara blushes and runs behind a nearby hanged clothes
"(Y/N) Darling Could You Put It On For Her?"Happstablook
"Ok"you said and took the tiara

"Don't go near me!"SS!Chara
*You went to SS!Chara
"Just hold still"
"Come on sis.You look amazing if you do"Rei
"Rei quit helping!"SS!Chara
"(Sigh)If you don't wear this tiara I'll make you wear that dress when we leave this store"
"J-just put it on"SS!Chara
*SS!Chara stood still and you place the tiara on her head.

*SS!Chara pushes you away
"Don't call me that"SS!Chara
"And wears Frisk?"
"I'm not coming out!"SS!Frisk
"Hey you wanted this to happen!"SS!Chara
"What's wrong?"
"She's embarrass how she looks"Chara
"Oh Let Me Handle This Darlings"Happstablook
*Happstablook entered inside the dressing room

"You Are Not Leaving This Store Until They See How Stunning You Look!"Happstablook
"Hey that's too tight around my waist!"SS!Frisk
"Don't Worry If I Can Dress Up (Y/N) I Can Dress Up Any Human!"Happstablook
*One useless struggling later
*You see clothes flying out of the dressing room
*Happstablook floated back out then picks them up

"The Job Is Done"Happstablook
"But she's still inside"
"Oh I Took These From Her"Happstablook
"Hey where's my clothes!"SS!Frisk
"It's Out Here Darling"Happstablook

"Heh clever"
"Come out Frisk or (Y/N) here will pull you out"SS!Chara
*You see SS!Frisk come out wearing a blue and purple-ish ball gown with white wrist sleeves.On her head is a blue sapphire decorated silver tiara.

"I didn't get a "Wow"SS!Chara
"Yeah me too"Frisk and Chara
"I-it's because I never seen her so..princess like"
"Told You She's Stunning"Happstablook
"Stop staring at me!"SS!Frisk
"Ok ok"
"Where's my clothes?"SS!Frisk
"Oh It's Right..Here"Happstablook said and drops SS!Frisk's clothes top of you.You caught them in response.

"(Y/N) give them back"SS!Frisk
"...Nah you don't need these"You said and tossed them through a Gaster Palm and it disappeared.
<It's back in the dressing room>

*SS!Frisk looks mad
"Uh Frisk?"
"Get them back!"SS!Frisk
"After you get used to that outfit"
*You touched Asriel's shoulder and absorb his invisibility magic.
(Huh...this is more complicated than I thought it was)
"Uh (Y/N)?"Asriel
"Frisk..Chara you two look very lovely.It's no fun if you quickly took those off"
*You pulled out your phone

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now