Chapter 106 Grilby

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Your POV
*You all entered inside Grilby's
*You see Grilby at the bar and the Dog Squad playing cards at the round table.

*You all sat at and unoccupied round table next to the Dog Squad.The Dog Squad started sniffing around.
<Your back is facing them>
"(Y/N)!!, Yip!!"The Dog Squad said and pounces on you

"Where was this guy!"Doggo rubbing your hair
"It's been so long"Dogamy
"Yipp yipp"Lesser Dog
"No Lesser Dog I wasn't training to be a Royal Guard and can you all get off me"
"Oh right..Alright get off you guys"Doggo
*Greater Dog put you back on your chair

"Thanks Greater Dog"
"Yipp"Greater Dog
*You patted his head
"Um (Y/N)"SS!Chara
"Oh sorry..Dog Squad as much as I like to chat can you all chat with my humans while I order food"you said getting off your chair
"I want something with chocolate"Chara
"I know..Let me order the food for everyone ok?"
"Ok"Frisk and SS!Chara

*You went over to Grilby
"(Y/N) you're back..So where's your girlfriends?"Grilby
"With the Dog Squad"
*Grilby looks over and wore a calm expression

"So who are the new humans?"Grilby
"Frisk and Chara"
. .
"Did you clone them?"Grilby
"No..They're from an alternate universe"
*Grilby squints his white eyes at you

"Sure..So what will all of you be having?"Grilby
"Two burgers, two fries with one of them having chocolate sauce, and four omelettes"
"Wow big order..And the "chocolate" fries?"Grilby
"Yeah it's something I want someone to try"
"Well ok as long as you're paying"Grilby
"That reminds me"

*Grilby wore an "Oh no" expression

"They said they made a bet with you"
"Ok I know.I'll forget about the tab.I'll be back with your food"Grilby
"Thanks Grilby"
*Grilby left then you walked back to the table

*You see Lesser Dog's head is near the ceiling again and SS!Chara and SS!Frisk looks worried.

"Chara I think I broke him"SS!Frisk
"Hah no it's ok"Frisk
"But he still wants pats"SS!Frisk
"Heh what are you doing?"
*SS!Chara looked at you
"They told me to pat his head and now he's like this"SS!Chara
"You guys seem to get along"
"Well why wouldn't we?"Chara
"Well I don't know.But when I figure that out I'll tell you"
"Hmmm"Frisk stares at you

"So (Y/N) where have you been yesterday?"Dogamy
"Uhm I was help preparing the Prince's Birthday present"
"Oh tell us"Doggo
"Heh everyone in the Underground will know later"
"Come on.Is it some biscuits?"Doggo
"No Doggo..Besides you guys will be at the Ceremony right?"

"We're Guarding the food in the castle again"Dogamy
"You better not sample the food like last time"
"(Sigh) I looked away for one second and they went crazy"Doggo
"Yipp"Greater Dog
"That's not a good excuse!Luckily (Y/N) saved our butts and cooked the missing food"Doggo
"It was so good though"Dogaressa
"I wanted to try (Y/N)'s cooking.It smelled more delicious than the ones we ate-I uh mean sampled"Dogamy

"Wait was that the one with the cheese fondue with bread,meatballs and roasted potatoes.Also the Chocolate Pie with vanilla and chocolate flowers on top and finally the Five Layers of Sweets?!"Asriel

*The humans and Rei's eyes are wide open
"Yeah that's the one!"Dogamy
"Can you make that again?!"Asriel
"Can't bro.That was a one time thing"
"Dog Squad you know what to do"Asriel
*The Dog Squad's tails starts wagging

"Hey no!Asriel stop abusing your power!"
"I'm not"Asriel
"Ok sure.I expect you guys to act like Royal Guards not the Royal Taste Testers"
"We will"Dogaressa
"(Sigh)"you said and rested your head on the table
"Ha lets go Squad.It was nice chatting humans"Doggo
*The Dog Squad returns to their tables

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now