Chapter 84 Blackout

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<Play Song Later>

Partner's POV

*I ran across the forest and approach what looks like humans "socializing" in a dump....
(Oh this is definitely not I want to see for my first time.Disgusting..Why can't they just fuck in the forest?)

*I ran away from that area and sense some tasty negativity
(Oh right..Aim for the ones that hates monsters)

*I went for the closest human and see it walking down between two buildings.
*I casually followed him and crossed the grey pathway..The human turned around

"What do you want mut? Scram!"Human
*I made my eyes glow red
*The human fell to the ground
(Easy pickings)

UT! Frisk's POV
*(Y/N) left and I turned around and see a small box on my bed.I checked it and it was a music box.I wind it up and...

<Play Song>

(......Did he give this to me?...So that's what that was when he left....)
*I sat on my bed listening
(He didn't have to give me this....Wait what am I thinking....He has a girlfriend already...two of them....but does he see me as me or just like his Frisk....I don't mind if it's the other...he makes me happy...he came here in my time of need...but what he said made me worry...but if he helps me...I'll definitely pay him back....I hope he lets me keep this...ugh I have to stop thinking and go to Toriel...after this is finish playing.....He is an idiot)

<End Song>
<I forgot about this music box and I laughed like an idiot...Don't judge my music pickings>

*I put the music box under my pillow and went downstairs to eat
"What took you so long?"Toriel
"I was just sorting my papers"
"Well that's fine then.Lets eat and you can get ready for that meeting tomorrow"Toriel
"What's wrong?"Toriel
"...Nothing I'm sure I'll be fine in the meeting.I already made a proposal to help solve the monsters discrimination problem"
"Oh..what is it?"Toriel
"..It's a secret.I want to surprise you"
"Then I'll wait to hear the good news"Toriel
"That boy came by here recently.It appears he's back"Toriel
"Oh..when did he stop by?"

*Toriel squints at me
"He came inside your room didn't he"Toriel
"What?! No!!"
"He came here to see you and He left without any confrontation"Toriel
"Wait why?Did he make you mad?"
"..No.Forget about that and tell me the truth"Toriel
"He did but why are you made at him?"
"It's nothing.Now why did he say to you?"Toriel
"It's nothing"
"Don't give me that tone my child"Toriel
"I won't say anything if you won't tell me.He's a nice person"
"No he's not!"Toriel dropping her fork
"Sorry..(Sigh)The first time we talk he made me realized I'm a bad person for blaming Asgore for his wrong doings.And he's right.If he was still alive I wonder if those six children would be still alive"Toriel looking sad
"What did he say?"
"..Nothing my child.Just enjoy your dinner"Toriel
"But why did he come here?"Toriel
"He just wanted to see if I'm doing fine and what I have been up to recently"
"That's it?"Toriel
*Me and Toriel ate dinner and I went to sleep.
Your POV

*You put UT!Asriel on the couch..You found him sleeping when he was reading a Thermodynamics Book.You remembered about the Amalgamates.You decided to check if they have a Lab below...
...It did.

*You walked in an dark floor.Theres no power in this floor so you made your right hand glow and used it as a flashlight.You walked around until you came across some monitors on the wall.

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now