Chapter 131 Artificial

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Your POV

*You're all at the the bottom of the Lab.You followed UT!Alphys

"(Y/N) let me see your soul now"Chara
"Oh right"
*You pulled Chara to your right side and showed her your soul
*Your soul is still black with hole filled with determination.But the determination seems to be brighter than before and the swirling Darkness disappeared

"Looks better"Chara
*Frisk leans on your left
"I also want to know something...Can I touch it?"Frisk
"No or you'll accidentally absorb me"
"Don't know..But if you grasp my soul into your palm I'll disappear..Or that's what I read about"
"A-actually you will become one with their consciousness while they absorb your magic abilities"UT!Alphys
"W-well that's what Asriel told me.But I don't k-know if it's true"UT!Alphys
"I don't like talking about it"UT!Asriel
"Hmm Ok..So it's fine if they touch it?"
"Well as long as your health doesn't drop to zero you will be fine"UT!Alphys
"Oh..Do you want to hold it Frisk?"
*Frisk gently touches your black soul and gently caresses it

*You feel..pleasure?From this
"W-wait Frisk don't touch it anymore"
"Did I hurt you?"Frisk
"'s something else.I'll tell you later so can you give it back?"
"Oh sorry"Frisk
*You leaned over to Frisk's right ear
"That felt good but let's do that later"
*Frisk looked at you blushing
"Y-you mean-"Frisk
"Yes I mean that"
*Frisk looked to her left
"What did it feel like?"Chara
"Um I'll tell you later with Frisk"
"I can't wait to tell you"
"D-don't say anymore"Frisk

*You all went pass the giant skull looking machine and went to a to hallway with mirrors with faded golden flowers across from it.

<Can't upload a picture for some reason but you can search "True Lab layout" to know what I mean>

*UT!Alphys went to the second mirror walked by and taps the mirror four times.
(Must be a hidden passcode)
*The mirror slides down and reveals a black pane wall
"It's behind here but I can't get through.Undyne can you break this for us?"UT!Alphys

*UT!Undyne punches the black pane and it shatters like glass.You used blue magic to take a shattered piece and unknowingly hid in your pocket of your pants

"It's very narrow so I'll get it for you"UT!Alphys
*UT!Alphys went inside alone
"Undyne how's that gym teacher application going?"UT!Undyne
"It went well with the interview but they said I can start next school semester"
"So we're going to school together?"UT!Asriel
"Home school isn't enough?"
"No mom said that we need a high school diploma to get a job"UT!Asriel
"Asriel, break down what you said"Frisk
"Oh sorry..That's just how the humans grow up.They go to school to learn.They pass their grade level and if they complete all their assignments.Then you can get a diploma to show proof that you graduated from high school"UT!Asriel
"Asgore does this makes sense to you?"

"I'll show you when we go to the surface"UT!Asriel
"Great..Frisk Chara Do you understand what Asriel said?"
"Want us to explain later?"Chara
"Yes please"
"Aren't you a human?"UT!Undyne
"Frisk I thought you told everyone at that time you were eating spaghetti"

"Oh I kept that part a secret so it will be more easier to explain to them"Frisk
"So you're not a human?"UT!Undyne
"Then what are you?"UT!Undyne
"An artificial monster"
"So is the reason you got mad at Alphys was because you felt a connection to the Amalgamates?"UT!Undyne

"...No.Its because mistakes don't go unpunished where I grew up.Especially when it comes to this kind of Lab"
"What do you mean?"UT!Undyne
"This Lab is almost similar to mine..but it had a more..darker history"
*UT!Alphys came back with three vials of Determination

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now