Chapter 48 Gossip

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Undyne's POV

"Ok.Lets get inside"
"And Don't Forget Me Darlings"Happstablook
"You came here fast"Undyne
"How Could I Not!The Hottest Story That Contains The Hottest Moments Is Right Here"Happstablook
"Ok Happstablook!"Frisk and Chara
"Happstablook please don't ask them anything that might make them mad"
"You Got It Darling.Now Now Let's Head Insi-"Happstablook

*Happstablook looks at Undyne's house

"Undyne What Is This?"Happstablook
"My house"
"Yes But Why Is It Boarded Up Everywhere"Happstablook
"Because I didn't ask (Y/N) when an un-invited visitor came over"
"Oh Dear.This Isn't A Place To Discuss Such "Things.Let's Go To My House"Happstablook
"Does it really matter?"
"Of Course Darling!They Need To Feel Comfortable To Tell Us How It Went"Happstablook

"Humans?You want to go or not?"I ask
"It doesn't matter"Frisk
"But do you really want us over when you send "that" to (Y/N)?"Chara said with a smile
(That's why (Y/N) said play nice)
"Alright let's go to Happstablook's"
"Glad You Agree"Happstablook

*We all headed to see Happstablook's house and saw (Y/N) using fire magic and attacking all around him

"What's that idiot doing?"Chara
"Probably FIGHTing Asriel when he's invisible"
"Yeah but don't you think this is too much?"Chara
"Nah.Asriel should be handle that since King Asgore train him"
"I see"Chara
*You see (Y/N) scorched off his shirt
"Huh he's really going crazy"I said
*You see the humans stare intently
"Alright shows over.Let's move already"I said
"But why isn't his shorts burning off?"Frisk and Chara
"Because he-"
(Wait a freaking moment)
*I gave Chara and Frisk a big smile
*They see you and realized what they said
"Let's just go!"Frisk and Chara
"And put that smile away!"Chara
"Oh My Darling Did You Already-"Happstablook
"Shhhhh"Frisk and Chara
"Oh Yes.Let's Hurry Over So You Can Spill All The Details!"Happstablook
*You all left and entered Happstablook's house

"Now Who's Telling First"Happstablook said with a notepad in hand
"Happstablook put that away"I said
"Oh How Am I Gonna Write About It If I Don't Have It?"Happstablook
"Simple just don't"Chara
"I will tear that notepad Happstablook if you do"Chara
"Oh No Fun.Alright I'll Put It Away..Now Spill It Girls!!"Happstablook
"Okay calm down"Frisk

*They told us how their "Date" went

"AAAHHHHH YOU KISSED HIM??!!Me and Happstablook
"NOT SO LOUD!"Frisk and Chara
"THIS IS THE BEST GIRLY STORY I EVER HEARD!!"Happstablook shaking the humans shoulders
"HAPPSTABLOOK STOP IT!!" Frisk and Chara
"Hah I can't believe you pulled it off"I said
*Their face's turned red

"(Sigh)So did he finally accepted your feelings" I asked
*They went quiet
"We kinda actually forgot that part?"Frisk
"..."Me and Happstablook

"That's Not An Excuse Darlings.Forget It..Lets Just Get (Y/N) In Here To Settle This Problem"Happstablook
"WAIT DON'T!!"Frisk and Chara
"Oh And Why's That?"Happstablook
"Because we're gonna (whisper whisper)"Frisk
"Oh...Ok That's Sounds Good Darlings"Happstablook
"What?"I asked
*Happstablook whispered what the humans told her
"Ah that is Good"I said
"So please stop pressuring us"Frisk
"But man.He flirts with you like crazy huh"I said
"I Know Right.If He's Capable Of Telling Them All The Time Why Not Me"Happstablook
"Because you got nothing good about you"I said
"I Have Plenty Of Good Parts!"Happstablook
"Being Beautiful,Singing,Dance And Secretly Planning The Humans Wedding!"Happstablook
*The humans blushed
"Aw ain't that cute"I said
"Shut up!"Frisk and Chara
"So what's inside the basket?"I ask
"(Y/N) made something for us to eat"Chara
"Aww See He Does Take Care Of You Like Princess"Happstablook
"I don't see how giving us a basket is like a princess"Chara
"Oh Don't You Know Darlings?Here In The Underground If A Person Gives You A Basket Means They Want To Marry You Of Course"Happstablook said with a smug look
*Their faces turned deep red
"Stop lying to them Happstablook"I said
*Now the humans looked mad

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now