Chapter 75 SS!Chara

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You're POV

*Chara walks downstairs and pulls you to the room

*You see Frisk on the bed with a pillow hiding her face
*Chara pushes you against the wall

"What did you do?!"Chara
"I took her the back of the house made a little private tent and make out with her"
"Make out?..Then you think it's ok too touch her?!"Chara
"Am I not allowed to do that?"
"No!Not if me or her say so!"Chara

"Did I hurt Frisk?"
"No you didn't"Frisk
"You just went too far"Chara
"Chara it's not that..(Y/N) tell her what you told me"Frisk
"Ok tell me"Chara
"I want you to sit on the bed"

*You told Chara you gain...Love lessons from G

"...You never knew about that before?"Chara
"(Sigh) Can't you just tell us these things before you do it?"Chara
"If that's what you want then ok"
"Not ok.I want you to tell us whenever you learn something new.Especially if it's"Chara
"Ok I promise"
"(Y/N) come here and kneel down in front of me"Frisk said and you knelt like a knight
"Not like that!"Frisk
"On your knees you idiot"Chara
"Oh"you said and kneed down

"Are you that committed to us?"Chara
"Even if we grow old or get sick?"Frisk
"I won't let that happen"
"Just say yes"Frisk
"Now do you wish to...I can't say it Chara"Frisk
"Do you wish to love us for an eternity?"Chara
"Yes I do"
"Ok now your forgiven"Frisk
"So I had done something bad"
"No you didn't"Frisk
"No no no no.Its over.Lets just forget about what we just talked about"Frisk
"O—K...So you two hungry?"
"Cool.I'll go make something then"
"Maybe we should go over to Grillby's?"Chara

"With other Chara and Asriel"Chara
*You hear them whisper but you ignored it

*You went out of the bedroom and see SS!Asriel on the couch
"Hey Asriel where's Chara?"
"I'm not telling"SS!Asriel
"Then if I find her I'll definitely steal her"
"...She's in the kitchen"SS!Asriel
"Heh.We're gonna go Grillby's.Wanna join?"
"..It won't make me forgive you"SS!Asriel
"That's ok.I just want you to come"
"Ok then"SS!Asriel
*You see SS!Chara looking for something in the fridge

"Ow!"SS!Chara said when she hit her head getting out
"Heh you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine"SS!Chara rubbing her head
"Do you want to eat at Grillby's?"
"Just us?"SS!Chara
*SS!Chara notices everyone walk in behind you

"Heh ok"
*You smirked
"Stop smiling!"SS!Chara
"Don't worry.We've been there before"Frisk
"You'll get used to it"Chara
"I hope not"
"Just keep looking forward"SS!Chara

*You all went to Grillbys and ordered food

"So did he play a song for you?"Frisk
"What did he do?"Chara
"He made a small music box and he offered me to dance with him"SS!Chara
*Frisk and Chara makes excited noises

"Didn't you talk about this at the house?"
"We did but Asriel made her run to the closet and we had to get her out"Chara
"Can we not talk about that"SS!Chara
"Then what kind of dance did you two did?"Chara
"I don't know the name"SS!Chara
*They looked at you

"I don't know either.I just saw it in some fairy tale books"
"Heh, it's true"
"Then what's the name of the book?"Chara
"Uhh..Beauty and the Beast"
"..Never heard of it"Chara
"Really then let's go watch it together"
"I thought it was a book"Chara
"Same thing"
"No it's not!"Chara
"Well most movies are inspired by books"
"That doesn't make it the same"Chara
"Ok ok.Lets just eat our food"
"Changing the subject again huh"Chara

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now