Chapter 82 King Bonely Part 2

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*King Sans started a fight with you

*You checked King Sans
HP- 1/1 Attack- 1 Defense- 1
-Not taking this seriously

*You see slow moving bones, coming from the ground, heading towards you . . . You dodged all of the bones.
*You told King Sans a joke
"Are you boned tired already?"
*King Sans fires a Gaster Blaster at you.You dodged.But it broke your Mercy Button instead
"I guess I should try a bit"SS!Sans left eye glowed blue

*King Sans changes the atmosphere.You see your soul turned blue and was thrown across the wall and you sense danger.You pushed off the wall and see bones popped out.
(Oh this is interesting)
*You were thrown upwards and you moved away from the bones.You did this in all directions, about nine more times.Your soul went back to normal.

"You got some interesting soul there bud"SS!Sans
"You know this color?"
*You see four Gaster Blasters, on all cardinal directions(+), and you dodged.You see another four but in ordinal directions(x) and you dodged again.
"So do you hide your toys all the time?"
"I bring them out on certain occasions"SS!Sans

*You see a wave of bones,from the ceiling and the ground, coming towards you.You went for the middle of the opening and came out unharmed.
"Your speed and reflexes are frightening"SS!Sans
"I've seen faster attacks"
"Heh, I'm slow am I?"SS!Sans
*You see a dozen of Gaster Blasters in front of you and you dodged but it didn't stop.Sans created more, rotating counter clockwise.You ran around in a circle dodging the beams of light...You see Sans grow tired.
"You're really giving me a workout"SS!Sans
"I didn't even fight back"
*Your soul turned blue and couldn't move.You see bones flying at you and you burst out energy to turn your soul back to normal.You quickly jump over the bones and see a Gaster Blaster in your face.It fires and hits you...You fell to the ground,landing on your feet.
"Finally I hit you"SS!Sans
"Sure you did"
*Sans checked you
HP-30/30 Attack-Unknown Defense-Unknown

"I'm certain you were damaged!"SS!Sans
"Maybe you shouldn't take me..lightly"
*Your soul turned blue and was trapped in a blue bone cage and see a four Gaster Blasters in both cardinal and ordinal directions and they all hit you.
*You sense fear from SS!Chara and SS!Asriel

*The light faded and they all see still standing in the bone cage without a scratch.

"(Y/N)!"you heard from the distance

"Now I'm definitely certain you were hit"SS!Sans
"You did hit me.But magic doesn't really effect me"
"So you're saying I've been fighting for nothing?"SS!Sans
"No if I win.I get to have Chara as my girlfriend"
"You're fighting me because of her?"SS!Sans
"Yeah..didn't Toriel tell you?"
"She said you wanted to leave the Underground"SS!Sans
"...Can we end this fight?"
"Way ahead of you buddy"SS!Sans
*King Sans shows you Mercy

*Fight has ended

*King Sans approaches you
"I don't know how you're not hurt but I see you're not lying.I will have to talk to the Captain of the Royal Guard for a moment"SS!Sans walks pass you

"Don't blame her too much.She's gonna be my stepmom in the future"You said following him
"Heh your not lying huh"SS!Sans
"I never lie about what I want"
"What an odd monster-human"SS!Sans

*You both reached back at the entrance of the room
*You see SS!Chara with a worried expression

"Captain Toriel, want to explain to me why I received news that you gave me false information about this human's objective?"SS!Sans
"W-what do you mean?"SS!Toriel
"I think you know.He said that this fight was for your approval for him to make your daughter his girlfriend"SS!Sans
*You see SS!Chara look away

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