Chapter 43 Flowers

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<Don't Play yet>

Your POV

"I'm glad.But what do, people do on dates"
"U-um we don't know either"Frisk
*You chuckled
"Why are you laughing!"Frisk and Chara
"I was just joking you know.I am playing Cupid to Undyne and Alphys after all"
*You chuckled some more
"Stop it!"Chara
"Aw Alright"
*You all finally reached the Flower Fields.It looks...
like the cave walls became overwhelmed by the vines.But at least the flowers are still all right.Some even got closer to the door.

"Glad this place is still holding up"
(I think they could escape using those vines)
"This place is just as beautiful how I remembered it"Frisk
"Hey there's a that yellow light Frisk!"Chara
*You see them stand on top of the golden flowers.
"Uh here"Chara
"I don't see anything"
"Just like we said long time ago.We think only humans can see it-"Chara
"With your Determination"
"It's something I read when I was in the Lab"
"And you didn't say anything about it because?"Chara
"It never came to mind to talk about it.That was the day you two wanted to show me your magic"
"Ah that's right"Frisk
*You took off your guitar case and settled on the ground
"So you two enjoying your time here?"
"Well there isn't much to do but look at the flowers"Chara
"True but can you two lay down on the golden flowers for a bit and close your eyes"
"Sure but why?"Frisk
"Because you said you want something to do"
"Ok but you better not do anything weird"Frisk
"You know I won't"
*Frisk and Chara layed down on the golden flower patch
*You picked some golden flowers and some red flowers.You made them into flower crowns
"Okay sit back up with your eyes still closed and don't move your heads"
"..Okay"Frisk and Chara
*You placed the red flower crown onto Chara's head and the golden flower crown onto Frisk's head.They got scared a bit
(They looked like princesses)
"Heh Okay.Now you can open your eyes"
*They open their eyes and touch their crowns.They looked at each other
"Woah did you make this?"Chara
"I don't see anyone else here"
"I can punch you right now"Chara
"Ok and I also could kiss you right now"
*Her face turned red
*She punches you.No effect.But she keeps on the attack
(Aw that's adorable)
*You notice Frisk watching
"Frisk do you want me to give you a kiss since Chara doesn't want it?"
(How brave of you)
*You got closer to her face..and closer to her lips.She closes her eyes put a Hershey's Kiss in her mouth
*She pushes you and you fell on your back

"Haha two are so adorable"
"I will never forgive you!"Frisk
"I'm sorry..your face was too precious"
*Frisk started to put grass and flowers on your face
"Okay I get it.(Blow)You can stop(Blow)Now!"
"Mmm never"Flustered Frisk said
*You got up and wiped off the grass and flowers.You looked at Frisk
"Are you still mad?"
*She looks away
*You looked at Chara
"Ha ha that's what you get!"Chara said and rested her head on Frisk's back
"Um Frisk"
*Frisk looks back at you and turns away immediately
"Aww ok.If your not listening then..."
*Chara had an amused look
*You went back to get the guitar and sat back down near them
"Chara close your eyes"
"Hm I don't want to"Chara
"Come on.I give you anything if you do"
"Are you sure?"Chara
"I am sure"
"Then I tell you later"Chara
"That's fine by me"
*She closes her eyes.You open the guitar case and pulled out the guitar slowly to not make a sound
(I hope it's tuned.Why am I feeling..nervous all of the sudden)
"Chara..Frisk I want you to stay like that for a moment"
"But did Asriel tell you about the time when Gaster was visiting"
*Chara peaked.She smiles
"Close Your eyes Chara!"
"I am"She said and turns over to rest her chin on Frisk's shoulder.Sounds like she's whispering
(Aw you ruin the surprise)
*You breathed in to relax

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now