Chapter 86 Humming Bird

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Your POV

"So want to explain what you did?"UT!Toriel
"Well we went to the school tower and went up to see Frisk"
"And they let you?!"UT!Toriel
"I am surprised as much as you are"
"I can't believe this"UT!Toriel
"Me too"
"Why are you so relax?!You could've gotten in big trouble!"UT!Toriel
"For what?"

"For entering on private building without permission"UT!Toriel
"But no one stopped us and nobody questioned what we're doing"
"Because that uniform is for children whose parents helped build this city.Impersonating one of them is more illegal than what you did!"UT!Toriel
(I think I could top that)

"It's not a problem if you don't get caught"
"You're such a delinquent"UT!Toriel
"Heh maybe"
"That's it you're not allowed to visit this house anymore"UT!Toriel

*You see UT!Chara and UT!Asriel walk in the living room
"You can't blame (Y/N)!he just doesn't understand humans.I'm was the one who wanted to see Frisk so I'm the one to blame"UT!Asriel
"Asriel he's a bad influence!"UT!Toriel

"No he's not he's been training with me and I've been getting good at magic because of him"UT!Asriel
"I think so as well.He was just doing what he felt like and he kept us safe like he promise"UT!Chara
"Heh thanks for the kind words but this is her house.I can't argue with her if she says so"you said and started to leave
*You turned around
"You can stay.Only if you promise to never go into that school without permission"UT!Toriel

"..I can't do that.What if Frisk is in danger and I can't find you to get permission?"
"Frisk can take care of herself"UT!Toriel
"No she can't"
"How would you know?You just came back and-"UT!Toriel
"Because she's!-...Nothing..I'm just never coming back here"you said opening the door
"(Y/N) you-"UT!Asriel
"Asriel I'm know what I mean right"

"Hold on..Can you at least give me some tips if I reach stage three?"UT!Asriel
*You gave him the iron ball
"Here, you've been doing well with your solo training..You're a natural when it comes to fire magic but you lack experience when it comes handling that much power.Here's a warning. Don't fuel your magic with anger.I could tell you were forcing your magic out when I said to cool down.Anger is a strong emotion and sometimes it will swallow you and you won't even see it coming..Understand?"

"Yeah..Just pace myself"UT!Asriel
"Heh good.Well then good luck and you know when you reach stage three, when you melt that iron ball"
"Ok I got it"UT!Asriel
"Heh..Oh and should talk to Frisk about her problems.Even if she smiles.You might not know when she's hurting"
"Wait what do you mean?"UT!Chara
"Just ask"you said and left

(The Sky still looks brighter even with these shades.Well time to know about this world)

*You teleported to the city in a narrow alley
*You changed your look
*You wore a black leather jacket,dark blue shirt,and blue jeans.
*You brush yourself against some humans walking towards you
"Hey watch it"Angered Human
*You ignored it and continued "accidentally" brushing against the human's arms

*You slowly understood how this human world works and the technological understanding about phones, companies, shops, sports, clothes, food, and motor vehicles.Oddly they don't have knowledge about magic.You also gained knowledge of who controls this city.<You don't know everything, only the things that was typed>

*You teleported back on UT!Toriel's house's rooftop
and took your time processing the knowledge you gain...
*You feel someone heading up to you.You opened your eyes and see UT!Chara jump up the roof top

*UT!Chara walks calmly to you
(I'm not gonna ask about how strong she is)

" did you know-"
"I noticed you a while ago..Since I didn't sense you leave I decided to ask you"UT!Chara
"Well I'm waiting for a little bird to fly by"
"Is it that dog?"UT!Chara
"No this time it's a hummingbird"
"Well it's fast and you won't question how did it disappear when you lose sight of it"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now