Chapter 24 Another

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Your POV

*You and Asriel are heading back to Undyne's house
"Hey (Y/N) why are we in such a hurry!"
"..."(I just don't like being separated when I find out some weird stuff back at the Lab)
"I just have a bad feeling"
"Are they in danger?"Asriel
"I don't know"
(I need to stop worrying)

*You arrived at Undyne's house and....its looks like its crumbling apart
*You see three figures in front of the house
"Asriel cover your ears for a moment"
"Mm"Asriel said and covered his ears
*The three figures turned around and it was Frisk,Undyne and Chara
"(Y/N)?What are you doing back here?"Chara
*BOOM...The house exploded and its on fire
"We were just cooking"Frisk said with an unconvincing tone
"You hear that Asriel I wasn't lying at the time"
*You let Asriel uncovered his ears
"(Sigh)Is anyone hurt?"
"A little-"Chara
"What?!Let me check!Who did this?I swear I'll kick their ass!Frisk your covered in dust and got some rocks in your hair."You said as you give Chara and Frisk some medical attention.
"Hey I'm hurt too you know"Undyne said
*You stare at Undyne
"...Walk it off"you said and continue aiding Frisk and Chara
"You little,I protected these punks with everything I got!"Undyne
"So what did happened?"you asked
"A weird looking robot suddenly attacked us"Chara
"A robot?"
"Yeah it's still back there but..."Frisk
*You looked at the burning house
"(Sigh)So I guess I should say thanks Undyne, for taking care of them."
"I wasn't the one who destroyed that robot.I was unconscious during the middle of the FIGHT."Undyne
"Wait so..."You said and looked at Chara and Frisk
*They had proud looks on their faces
"I still can't believe you"
"What?!How come?!"Chara and Frisk
"Because you two can't even defend yourselves"
"Oh yes we can.We can fi-"Chara
"Wait Chara how about a FIGHT with (Y/N) to let him see the truth?"Frisk
"Ha good idea.So how about it (Y/N)"Chara
"Hm.Although I don't like the thought but your confidence peaks my interest"
"Weren't you interested in them the whole time?"Undyne
*You blushed
"Alright.Lets just get this FIGHT started"
"Hm why are you so eager all of the sudden?"Chara
*You got redder
"lets...just fight...damn you"you muttered
"Asriel stay with Undyne for a bit"you said
*FIGHT started with Frisk and Chara

"Hey (Y/N) before you start you better go all out.And I'm serious about that."Undyne
*You don't understand but you nodded
"So who wants to go first?"You asked
"You of course"Chara
"Well if you say so"
*You try to punch Frisk But was blocked by red shields
"Surprised?"Frisk said with a smirk
"Of course I am.This is amazing!"
"Well don't drop your guard!"Chara
*Chara came out you with red glowing knives
*You dodged her slashes and stepped back to gain some distance
(Interesting combo.A sword and a shield)
"Hey, you scared already?!"Chara
"Nope I'm just taking this seriously"You replied
*You think about your plan of attack.You took off your hoodie
"Hey what the hell you doing?!"Frisk and Chara
<Don't worry you have a white shirt on>
"I'm just taking it off so it won't turn to shreds"
"Jeez I wasn't seriously hitting you ya know"Chara
"I know but now you have my permission to do so"
"Wait what?"Chara
"I thought you guys wanted a FIGHT"you said while your eyes glowed and punching your fist<Power up>
"Wait I think that's a bit too much"Frisk
"Don't worry I'll be gentle"you said
*Frisk and Chara doesn't look DETERMINED

"Wrong situation my dude"Undyne
(Don't know what she meant but whatever)
"You two ready?"You asked
"Nope I think that's enough.Thats all what we want to show you!"Chara
*You Stare at Frisk and Chara
"Hm.Fine I'll stop.I'm just joking anyways"you said
"LIES!"Chara and Frisk
*You cooled down and wore your hoodie

"So how about we actually get some food back at Grilby's in Snowdin"
"Finally.All we ate for breakfast was just instant ramen"Frisk
"Undyne!You can't give them that early in the day!"
"Why not they seemed to enjoy it"Undyne replied
"The taste isn't the problem it-"
*Someone's tugging your arm.You looked down and see Alsriel drooling
"Never mind lets just go.How about you Undyne?"
"Sure I haven't been there in a while!"Undyne
"Alright it's decided"
*You all headed back to Snowdin to eat at Grilby's

*Some time later

*You all entered inside Grilby's
*You see a new chair added in the bar and it's all
empty,how convenient
<You bet your ass I'll make it convenient>
*You all sat down and looked at the menu
"AH Finally I can eat that burger again!"Asriel
"Heh yeah"
*Grilby walks out
"Hey Grilby what's new?"
"Good to see you (Y/N), I just added a new item to the menu"Grilby
"Oh let me check"
"Oh Undyne you're here!"Grilby
"Oh Undyne Grilby says hi"you translated
"Oh nice to see you too Pyro man"Undyne
"What would you like to eat today"Grilby
"He asked what do you want to eat today"you translated
"Oh umm(Gasp) ILL TAKE THE OMURICE!"Undyne
"The what now?"You asked
"This one right here!"Undyne
"Oh the omelette filled with rice"
"You got that-"you were about to say
*You see Grilby giving you a thumbs up
"And I assume Asriel you be getting the burger with fries and Chara the CHOCOLATE shake again right?"
"YES!"Asriel and Chara
"And Frisk?"
"Mmm..I'll get the burger and fries as well!"Frisk
*You see Grilby giving a thumbs up
"(Sigh)..Hm.Whats up Grilby?"you asked
"Your food?"Grilby
(Oh god not again)
"It's alright Grilby.You know I don't need to eat."
*Grilby didn't like that answer
*You think of something
"Alright how about this so you can stop asking me.We have a challenged between the two of us."
"Hmm.Go on"Grilby
"We would have a cook off.The winner will be decided on these three,Frisk Asriel and Undyne"
"Wait why not me?"Chara
"Because Chara you only asked for the chocolate shake"you replied
"So how about it Grilby?If I win you'll stop asking me for my order and if you win...what do you want?"
"Hmm.I want you to be my new employee for three months"
(Oh the stakes just got real)
"Wait so who cooks for who?"Frisk
"We both do.You'll just be eating half of the portion from me and the other half from Grilby"
"Ok got it!"Frisk
"Alright we'll be back with your food"you said

*Some time later

"Alright Grilby good luck to you"
"Hmph your the one who'll be needing the luck"Grilby
(This guy is also competitive huh)
*You went out and see a crowd of monsters behind Frisk,Chara,Asriel and Undyne
"They heard their was a cook off going on"Asriel
(Alright this escalated quickly)

Next time

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