Chapter 8 Judgement

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Chara's POV

"Stop what your doing Chara!" Dad
"No I don't why they want me but your ain't taking Frisk"Chara argued
*Chara's dad looked conflicted,he has no time to think.He only had one plan in mind
"Chara you leave me no choice"dad
*He grabbed a bottle containing some kind of clear liquid.He grabbed you and tried to force you to drink it.But your you refused to open your lips.You try to shrug him off but failed.Eventually small amounts of liquid slip through and causing your strength to become weaker.
*You fell Unconscious
*You woke up tied up on your bed
*You try to loosen the ropes but failed.You grow tired from trying loosen the ropes.
"Damn it hurts"you say while feeling a stinging sensation on your arms.
*You called for help
*Someone came, it's your mom
"Chara dear who did this to you"Mom
"Oh thank God,Mom untie the ropes!"Chara feeling relieved
"I can't believe your father was a capable of doing this!"Mom
*Your free
"Mom where are they?Wheres Frisk?"you asked
(Mom had a sad and serious look)
"Mom please tell me, my friend is in danger,MY SISTER is in danger!"You pleaded
*She flinched
"They're heading to the ritual site at Mount. Ebbot"she replied
"You know where it is right?Can you take me there?!"You asked
"No they will see you and kill both you, your father and your friend!"she said
"PLEASE MOM!"you yelled
*You gave her a serious look while tears are flowing from your eyes
*She looks at you.She thinks for a moment
"Alright follow me.Lets go fix your fathers mess"She said grabbing and running to Mount. Ebbot

Frisk's POV
*You were taken from the basement and they put  you in a carriage
(No I can't see where I am,Chara was with me.Where did she go?)
*You hear footsteps but no ones talking.They felt the carriage shook and feels like your going up a hill.Your heart was racing not knowing what's gonna happen.All that was going through your mind was someone rescuing you.

Chara POV

"Mom how far is this place"you said while running
"Don't worry we'll get there in time.They most likely put her in a carriage going up like every year." Mom
"Every year?So this was happening before?"You asked
*Your mom went silent
"Let's just focus catching up, ok?" Mom replied
"Ok" you say
(What kind of people have we been living with?)

Several moments went by and saw some individual light coming from the mountain.You finally caught up to them seeing a carriage surrounded by people.
*You discuss a plan to save Frisk

"Ok mom let's make a plan to get Dad and Frisk out of there"you say
"No I already thought of one already on the way hear"
"Can I hear it?"you asked
"Ok heres what your gonna do...whisper whisper...While they're distracted get your out here and I'll get your father."Mom
"Ok" you said
*They're about to reach the ritual site.A large stone floor with four pillars on the corners and at the center,stacked tree logs making a box shape
<Stacked like Jenga but without the middle piece on every layer.Four layers of tree logs.>

"Dear there you are.Why didn't you wake me up?mom
Everyone in black cloaks look towards her
*You took that chance and went around and hid in the upper right corner of the pillar.
Your mom stared at your dad intensely
I-I saw you sleeping and I didn't want to bother you seeing how LOVED our daughter so much to let her go"dad
"Ah indeed.But aren't you here for something else hmm?Men put the carriage at the top so this woman don't try anything."Mayor
*The townspeople carefully placing it down and returning on the sides of the mayor forming a blockade.Lucky the carriage door was facing to Chara side.
"No I would be happy to see MY daughter give her life for the harvest =)"mom said while holding a forced smile
*Nows your chance.You quietly stepped toward the stacked logs and climb up to the carriage.
(Ugh more climbing)
"Ha I see, then since your here, please join us and grab a torch if you truly feel that way"Mayor
Chara's mom grabbed the torch without hesitation
*Your at the door.Theres no lock.You open the door to find still tied up Frisk.Looks like she's still awake.
"Frisk,Im here hold still"you say while cutting the ropes with a knife your mom handed to you.
*Frisk was free
"Chara,I was hoping you come.I was so scared.Whats going on.Wher-" Frisk said while crying
"Shhh be quiet we're not out of the woods yet"you say while covering Frisk mouth with your hand
*You looked down
"Your not afraid of heights are ya?you asked
"Yeah,...why?Frisk asked
"Ok you remember that time you followed up a tree but you were scared to come down?"you asked
"Yeah"Frisk replied
*Frisk looked down
"Yeah were in that situation again"you said
"Alright then I see everyone here is all in agreement.This will make our God happy knowing both their parents would sacrifice their child for the good of the people.
"There's no time hurry before they set this place on fire for their stupid God"you say while grabbing Frisk
*Frisk refuses to leave due to being scared of heights
"Frisk theres no time for this"you say strongly pulling you.You win but
The force sent Frisk towards you causing both of you to fall to the ground
*You went unconscious

Frisk's POV

"Frisk theres no time for this" Chara said while pulling you.
*You pulled back
(No way this too much information all at once)
*Chara pulls harder causing you to come flying at her going through the carriage door
Chara hold you trying to save you from the impact
<Now that's gonna leave a mark>
*You both hit the ground.You got up while Chara went unconscious
"Chara get up,please wake up!"you pleaded

Everyone heard something hit the ground and turned to Chara and Frisk.Chara's Mom and Dad were shocked.They see there little girl not moving.The townspeople surrounds Frisk and Chara.The plan failed.Theres no hope in escaping now.

"Hey Frisk get away from there"<Foster parent scumba-> Frisk dad said
*Frisk was pulled away while crying and holding on to Chara
They finally got her to let go
"Well, well ,well what do we have here"mayor

Next time

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now