Chapter 64 Surface

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Your POV

*You see shocked expressions on everyone's faces
*They snapped back into reality
"(Y/N)!!!" Everyone Said
"I don't know.Asriel was the last person to touch it"

*Everyone looked at Asriel

"I didn't do anything!"A-Asriel
*They turned back to you
"Never mind the small details let's-"
"Let's settle down and have some tea.Looks like you're stress"
"WE ARE!!"All A-Versions
"Then let's have some tea"
"It's just best we follow him"Frisk

*Everyone settled around the small round table.You sipped some tea and see everyone waiting...
"So who's first?"
*They looked at each other

"Tell is how you broke the Barrier?!"A-Frisk
"Because I could"
"That doesn't explain-"A-Chara
"Explaining how I broke the Barrier is like explaining how did I crushed an egg"
"Did you compare the Barrier to an egg?"A-Asgore
"Yes..Compared to my Barrier your Barrier was very weak"
"Weak?!"A-Asriel and A-Chara
"Yeah my own was way denser.You could crack it but then it will just heal itself, which was very annoying"

"(Sigh)You're acting like this isn't a problem"A-Asgore
"Because it isn't.You're whole Kingdom is free.You can finally see the sun.Your dark days in this Underground will finally have light"
"But why?You only just met us.This isn't your Underground"A-Chara
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No its just, why did you help?"A-Asgore

"...It's because of Asriel's story of how he and Chara died then Killed by humans...Asriel you may be from an Alternate world but the thought of you dying... pissed me off.I just let out some stress on the Barrier.Thats all"

"So you were mad?"A-Asriel
"Of course.Who wouldn't? I was angry for a moment..but now I just want to take a nap"
"If that's all.Then I'll look for a place to nap"
"Wait...Thank you for freeing us"Asgore said and slowly bowed but you stopped him.

"A King shouldn't bow to anyone.Even to someone like me.A King should hold his head up high and lead his people out of this Underground"
"Haha your still modest..even if your from another world"
"Heh..I'll be going.Chara..Frisk you don't mind if I leave for a while right?"
"Your leaving us?"Frisk
"What?!No. I'm just gonna lay on the flower field and take a nap"
"Oh ok"Chara
"We'll wake you when it's time to leave"Frisk
"Sounds good"You said and walked away

*You lay down on the golden flowers and stare at the ceiling.Its bright.You closed your eyes and feel the wind circulate all around the Throne Room.

*You hear some walking close to you.It was A-Asriel.
"Hey Prince"
"Hey..Can I join you?"A-Asriel
"It's your castle bro.Don't need to ask me"
"Ha alright"Asriel said and layed beside you

<Your heads are next to each other but his legs is facing the opposite direction from yours>

"I was sure you would run to the surface"
"And not ask how the Barrier was broken? No way"A-Asriel
"So what's your plan for the surface?"
"I-I don't really know.."A-Asriel
"Your gonna be King of the Monsters.Where you rule the surface.I'm sure you had some ideas"
"Well I don't really know..I spent a long time here in the Underground..I thought I would never see the surface again"A-Asriel
"...Oh damn.I forgot you saw the surface already.That's why you didn't run out in excitement"
"I'm not a kid!"A-Asriel
"Heh..You sure look like one"
"I have you know I am well knowledgeable and can defend myself!"A-Asriel
"Oh yeah?Prove it little Prince"
"I-I don't really like fighting you"A-Asriel
"What where did that fire go?"
"It's just...I don't want to talk about it"A-Asriel
"That's ok.Just lay here bro and think of something else"
*In your dream world

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now