Chapter 95 Crown

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Your POV

*You gave SF!Asgore's magic back
"Hope you won't run away"SF!Asgore's
"I won't.Just don't run away with my prize"
"You piece of shit"SF!Asgore
"(Y/N) I'm not letting you fight the King!"SF!Chara
"Why not?"
"Because he executes Monsters just for messing up a simple job!He dusted a hundred of monsters in a single blast of light!He can even make your body turn blue and pierce bones through your body!"SF!Chara
"In a blast of light.Did it look like this?"You said and created A Gaster Blaster
*You see SF!Asgore and SF!Chara shocked

"Are you part skeleton?"SF!Asgore
"Nope..I'm part human"
"(Y/N) can you make it fire a blast?"SF!Chara
"I could if you don't mind a giant hole in the wall"
"Yes go right ahead"SF!Asgore
*You made your Gaster Blaster face towards the wall and fire a black beam of light.It made no sound but you can feel the heat from the beam.The light faded a away and see a hole in the currently melting metal wall...

"This is..Amazing.Its still melting down the wall"SF!Asgore
"Sorry..I guess I should tone it down"
"Could you make it stronger?"SF!Asgore
"Oh ho indeed I can but I don't use Blasters for that"
"Then you have a more powerful Blaster?"SF!Asgore
"Yeah..But I won't make it.Its beam can scorch the surrounding area even if it doesn't actually make contact"
"Like a fire ball or a like a marshmallow getting close to the flames?"SF!Asgore
"Yeah..But if it actually hits something.There won't be any single trace of it left"
"Dad he's strong!So he doesn't have to fight the King"SF!Chara
"No this is different matter and we already shook hands.His eyes tells me he isn't afraid one bit"SF!Asgore
"I'll be fine.But don't watch.Im sure he isn't the type to play fair.Right Asgore?"
"Hah..You seem to have an experience fighting a King"SF!Asgore
"Well I wouldn't say I never fought one before"
"Ho So how many have you face?"SF!Asgore
"Hmm..About two"
"And you killed them?"SF!Asgore
"Oh no.A Kingdom without a King will plunge into chaos"
"I see you're not just strong but can think as well"SF!Asgore
"Well that's how was raised to survive.But since you know your daughter is ok.I'll go talk to the King..What proof can I bring if you don't believe me?"
"His crown"SF!Asgore
"(Y/N) I don't want you to go just to get my Dad to say yes"SF!Chara
"Chara..I'll come back.Plus if I make the King submit then I'll make him turn this Underground back to the way it was.A place where no one needs to fight to survive.If that won't convince your father.Then I'll just steal you away"
*SF!Chara ran up to you and gave you a hug
"Better not die you bastard"SF!Chara
"I won't.You better not go talking to other guys"
"Hah shut up"SF!Chara
*SF!Chara let's go and kissed your cheek then walks backwards.
"That's a good luck kiss.You better not let it go to waste"SF!Chara

*You pulled out your knife necklace.
"This is my good luck charm"
"Get rid of that already!"SF!Chara
*You put it back under your shirt
"No way I'll die without it"
"I don't care I gave you a better one!"SF!Chara
"I don't think so I'll keep this until the end of time.I'm going now"
"Not without-"SF!Chara
*You hugged her
"I'll be back I promise.Unless you think I'm a weakling"
"You're not weak!I'm just..worried about you"SF!Chara
"Heh.Acting Nice isn't your thing.You should worry about weaklings like you,Asriel or.. Your dad"
"You're lucky my daughter is in front of you"SF!Asgore
"I'm not letting you go"SF!Chara
"Let go Chara..then we'll be together.But if you won't, You're gonna make me look like a whimp in front of your father"
"I don't care what he thinks.I don't want you to die because of me"SF!Chara
(Kinetic Conversion-Heat)
*You increase the temperature in the air.

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now