Chapter 130 Babum

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Your POV

*In thy Dream World

*You open your eyes and see Original Gaster looking goopy as ever.
"Finally you are here"UT!Gaster
"So where is Alphys?"
"Getting straight to the point are we?Well she's currently sleeping with Undyne at an apartment building.But in the morning she will be working at the Underground so you don't need to go anywhere"UT!Gaster
"What's their relationship?"
"They're dating"UT!Gaster
"Is this really the time to ask?"UT!Gaster
"Sorry you're right but I wonder if they could give advice to my Undyne and Alphys"
"Think about that later.Have you thought of a way to ask Alphys about the leftover Determination?"UT!Gaster
"Well one way I could just absorb what she knows but I don't want that..Instead I'll just ask her"
"What if she says no?"UT!Gaster
"Hmmm we're aren't in good terms so this will be more difficult.But her dark secrets are still unknown to the her Undyne..I wonder if she's still scared to let her know the truth"
"You are fucked up in the head"UT!Gaster
"Well my Gaster loved to mess with me..I feel no emotion when it comes to getting what needs done.But that would make my relationship with her worse..So I guess I'll just rip every single metal from the Lab until I find it"
"As long as I get to be alive.Just do what needs taken care of"UT!Gaster
"I know what to do.So just wait for another day or so"
"Hahah finally all this waiting will be worth it"UT!Gaster
"You'll just be getting a soul that has some determination..But you do know you can't reset"
"But your Gaster successfully created a time machine.I can just go back and finish what I was planning to do in a different timeline"UT!Gaster
"So you will leave the original people you lived with and going to another Timeline with a possibility of another Gaster, that's also you, then what?"
"From all this isolation..I thought I could think of a way to solve my problems..But talking to you makes all that thinking, worthless.Why can't you have lived in my timeline..Maybe you could've saved me too"UT!Gaster
"Well I'm here now aren't I?And this is reality so I'm your savior in your external darkness.But just be patient"
*UT!Gaster looks stunned
"Well I'll get the job done..Now I can concentrate on my time with my girls"
*You left through the door

"Where the hell do you keep coming out from?!"Partner
"The Void I guess..It's a weird feeling.It feels like I'm awake in there"
"Did you talk to that Gaster again?"Partner
"Yeah and I'm sending you out and check out any negativity about monsters or Frisk"
"Well as long as it's night"Partner
"Hard time in the sun?"
"You literally got blind from the damn Sun!"Partner
"Ha!Who's speechless now?!"Partner
*You ran towards Partner...It runs away while you're still chasing it

"Hahaha"Partner laughed triumphantly
"Shut your damn mouth!"
"Can't handle the light of the truth?"Partner
*You stopped and covered your smile
*Partner turns to you
"Oh did you found something shiny on the ground"Partner
*You looked back it with angered eyes
"Lighten up bro"Partner
*You covered your smile again
"So this what makes you weak"Partner
"Shut it"
*You feel someone pinching your left cheek
*You woke up and see Frisk pinching your cheek
<You're still holding Chara but your head is turned at Frisk>
"Morning"Frisk said calmly
"Morning"You said calmly
"Can I be in your arms now?"Frisk
"How about I hold you tonight?"
*Frisk rests her right hand on your left cheek...Now you feel it going along your hair..She plays with your hair.
"It still feels weird"Frisk
"Well it's not changing"
"It felt different when you were small..It felt smooth and soft"Frisk
"Like your lips"
*Frisk smiles
"No I think you're hair was softer"Frisk
"Hmm..Well I don't know how to change that"
"Hah you don't need to.I like your hair"Frisk
*You stare at Frisk
"You're hair got longer"
"Did it?"Frisk
"Do you like it?"Frisk
"Hmm let me answer that after you shower.I want feel it"
"Mines longer too"Chara
"I know Chara..I saw your hair flowing with the wind"
"When was that?"Frisk
"He was dreaming"Chara
"Heh then it was a dream come true if anything"
*Chara lightly punches your chest with her right hand..It's still under your sweater

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now