Chapter 121 Black Swarm

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Your POV

*You look over to the Monitors and see...The Spider Swarm crawling to the Lab.
"Hey Alphys how many Spiders can fit in this Lab again?"
"U-uh about one hundred thousand..if they all space from each other of course"
"I guess they can all fit"
"B-But why did you...Oh my gosh not again!"Alphys

*You see the exit door opening and see a large swarm of spiders coming to you
*They were about to crawl on you but you yelled
"Stop!"You said in Spider

*The Spiders in front of you all stopped and see the back of the swarm crawling along the walls and ceiling"
"Why did you all come here?"You said in Spider
*Spider noises
"Muffet huh..And she ordered everyone?"
*Spider noises
"Well I am hungry but I'm not turning small because you want me too"
*Angry Spider Noises
"I don't want too!Stop complaining!"
*Spider Noises
"Yes I promise I'll come to the Sweet Shop again.Now I'm happy you all were worried about me but you can't all just swarm in like this all the time"
*Spider Noises
*You see the Spiders leaving after they drop Spider Pastries from Muffets Sweet Shop and pile them up on top of Alphys desk

"My fan fictions!!"Alphys said with a frightened expression
"Fan fictions?"
*You used blue magic to get the pastries off the table and suddenly dropping them as you felt pain struck your soul once again.

"(Y/N) I said don't do anything stupid!"Frisk
*You fell to your knees and clenched your chest

"Punk!Here eat some food already!"Undyne said and forcefully shoves Spider pastries in your mouth

*You swallowed the pastries and feel your soul stopped hurting for now.You stand back up with Undyne.
"Thanks..I never felt more weak than I have right now"
"Sit down and we'll get the pastries to you"SS!Chara

*You sat on a chair with the pile of pastries on Alphys's desk
*Frisk,Chara and SS!Chara feeds you one pastry at a time
"This(munch,munch,swallow)feels degrading"
"Shut up and eat"SS!Chara
"Don't talk with your mouth full"Chara
"And stop using magic until you finish with everything"Frisk
*You sat there until they fed you every last pastry..But as you ate all the Spider Pastries there was a small covered silver platter that was hidden under the pastries

*Frisk opens it and reveals a cup of Flat White and a two layer coffee shortcake with white cream between and on top of the layers.
"This must make you happy"Chara
"Yes it does"
"Do you like the taste of coffee?"SS!Chara
*You took a bite out of the cake and it tasted just like how you always make it
"Is it good?"Chara
"Wanna try?"
"No they made it for you"Chara
"And I'm the one who's offering you some"
*You fed Chara a bit of the coffee cake and see her expression change

"Do you like it?"
"It's alright but it's not better than chocolate"Chara
"Heh I expected as much"
*She kicked you lightly under the table
"What was that?"Chara
"I expected you to like it"
"Well I don't"Chara
"Frisk..Sleeping Beauty?"You said offering a bit of the coffee cake
"Don't call me that!"SS!Chara
"Do you want to try too?"
"Heh, that's fair"
*You fed Frisk some and see her with the same reaction as Chara
"It's good"Frisk
"Just good?"
"Well I don't eat coffee sweets so that's all I could tell you"Frisk
"Alright..Story Chara?"
"I don't want any"SS!Chara looks away
"Come on just one taste"
*SS!Chara turns to you and opens her mouth.You fed her some coffee cake.You see the same reaction as the others.
"It's alright I guess"SS!Chara
"(Sigh) I guess it's not the most favorite flavor you all enjoy"
*You sipped your Flat White and hear Undyne approaching

"Punk how are you feeling?Is your soul ok?Do you need some ramen or something?How about more food?"Undyne asked quickly
"I'm fine.They helped me out and now I feel better than ever"
"Here"Undyne said and gave you a
"Undyne he can't-"Chara
*You ate it anyways
"How is it?"Undyne
"It's better than last time..I think I tasted some pepperoni in it"
"Yes!Hey Alphys he actually tasted something!"Undyne said and went to Alphys

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now