Chapter 3 Little visitor

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A month has gone by and Snowdin is booming with other residents of the Underground.Some visiting to see Grilby's diner.Some ask you to build their house for them and of course you would be happy too.
<And in case your wondering you don't need to consume food but you can try some if you wanted too.>
Grilby's diner is the only food in town so you decide to check on him later when he has more time to talk.

*Meanwhile at Grilby's
Grilby's struggles to keep monsters satisfactory with the lack of employees.

*You decided to head back home.And to your, surprise your door was left open.
"Oh no" you worriedly say
*You punch yourself in the leg charging up your Unique Soul power
"Alright let's go"
*You slowly opened the door getting ready for anything
*You peaked through the edge of the door
*...Nothing no one is inside
*A letter on the ground in the living room

*You read it and says
*"Look up"
*You looked up and get smothered by layers of snow
In your mind there's only one person that make stuff appear over peoples heads
"Gaster!" you say furiously
*You can hear people dying of laughter on the second floor.
"Yeah he's gonna get it now!" You say running up the stairs
As you getting ready to punch Gaster you pause to see the little prince with him
"Alright what's the big idea" you angrily questioned
"Well the little prince wanted to visit his favorite brother" Gaster smirking
"And the snow"you say
"His idea I swear"Gaster pointing at him
*Asriel use baby doll eyes
*It was super effective
*You spare Gaster and Asriel

"Although I don't mind the visit but why now?"
"To spend time with him of course.The King And Queens orders.And to see if your even capable looking after a child." Gaster replies also smirks on the last sentence.
"Ha! I don't need orders to look after the little prince. I show you how perfectly I can take care of this little guy!"
"Ok good luck" Gaster teleports out
"At least bring the snow out if you dipping out!!"
*One moment of snowless house

"Alright little prince what you wanna play?"
*You give "I'm totally gonna win" look at him but thought of something else.
"How about we explore" you offered
*His eyes light up
"Heh I take that as a yes"

*You visit Waterfall and you pretended to be a quest giver and Asriel the adventurer. You make him try to solve the lily pad puzzles of Waterfall to see how he fairs.A struggle at first but he quickly solved them.You then make a makeshift boat out of rocks.Then tossed it in the river.It sank of course.Asriel giving you "what did you expect" look.

"Well, I guess you can say that plan hit, "rock bottom".You said looking at Asriel for approval of joke.
*He gives it 6/10.

Heading back to Snowdin to eat at Grilby's ,luckily the crowd of people dwindled and had open seats at the bar.
*Everyone greeted you and the prince when you entered.Asriel not being great with communication gave a little wave and ran behind you.
"Good job prince"
Thats the best he ever tried when he was seen without the King and Queen.

*Both you and Asriel sat down at the bar in front of Grilby
"Hey Grilby, a heck of a day huh"
*Grilby gave a tireless and motionless stare back at you
"How about I cook this time because you look like your about to be a pile of ashes"
"Hey prince what are you dining for?"
"Butterscotch Pie" he enthusiastically replied
"How about a burger with fries" you insisted
"Oh I never had those" he gave an excited look
(Man he is a prince)
"Alright one order of burger and fries coming up"
*Despite not eating you were capable of cooking.On a certain level.
*You presented the food adding a bit of flare by laying the burger one by one on the plate with the bun, the mayo ,the burger meat, ketchup sauce mix with mayo, lettuce and finally the bun right in front of him.Next are the fries, still fresh and hot you carefully pile them onto the plate and it fills the air in a warm and delicious smelling aroma.And to finish it of a warm glass of chocolate milk.
*Asriel sat there in mouth watering astonishment
*Asriel Looking at you intently
(What is he waiting for?)
"Oh. Please enjoy your meal, Prince Asriel."As you bow
*Asriel began devouring the meal savoring each bite and when he chugged down the chocolate milk.
*You notice there's a bit of leftovers
"Sorry prince too much for you to eat?" you chuckled a little.
"No because I wanted you to have it.It was the best meal I ever had! I bet even mom and dad will want to eat this everyday!"
*You had a honest smile for once.
"Thank you,Asriel"
*You and Asriel had a delicious meal

*Meanwhile Grilby is sleeping while standing this entire time.

Next time


Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now