Chapter 58 Conversation

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Your POV

*You see Frisk standing behind Chara

"(Y/N) turned your head towards the ceiling"Frisk

*You did and see Frisk coming towards your face.
Frisks put her hands on your cheeks and force you into making a kissy face.Frisk got closer and gave you a kiss.Apparently she tasted like chocolate.She made sure that you know that by wrapping her tongue around yours a few times and broke off.

"So?"Blushing Frisk
"Chara I think you loss"you said
"What did she do?"Chara
"Um"you said
"I ate some chocolate and...shared him some"Frisk
"Share how?"Chara
"Doesn't matter I won and now it's my turn"Frisk quickly said
"But (Y/N) won't let go"Chara
"Can I get one more..chocolate?"You ask
"(Sigh)Fine"You said and let go of Chara.
*Chara crawled over you and hugged you from behind
*Frisk took over Chara's spot and snuggled to you
"Awww"You said
"This feels better"Frisk
"Maybe I should try to holding you two at the same time?"You said
"With a clone?" Frisk
"Hell no.Nobody gets to hold you like this besides me or Chara.And same thing for you Chara"You said

"Then how?"Frisk
"Well I lay in the middle on my back and you two will be on my sides"
"Mmm No"Frisk
"Yeah that won't do"Chara
"Why?"You said
"Because it's uncomfortable"Chara
"Well you don't know if you didn't try"
"...Yeah it's still a no"Frisk
"Hm.I wonder if you like it in my different form"
"Different form?"Frisk
"I can show you but I feel different in that form"
"Different how?"Chara
"Well I lack awareness but I gain strength..So that's something I have to get used to"
"When you say different form do you mean you change how you look?"Frisk
"Do you grow wings or grow fur?"Chara
"Well I get taller and my eye changes.Anything besides that is the same"
"..Then stay like this"Frisk
"You don't like it already?"
"No if you get taller then it will be harder to kiss you"Frisk
"And I like your eyes"Chara
"Heh.But I do want you to see it, so you know it's me.And not be surprised when I suddenly look different."

"If that's it then ok"Chara
"But not now"Frisk
"Of course"
*Frisk cuddles to you
*You kiss her forehead
"Stop kissing"Chara
"Sorry"You said
*You hold Frisk closer

"So what time are we going?"
"Mm not soon"Frisk
"Heh ok"
"And don't watch us"Chara
"No promises.I will make sure no one takes you again"
"At least don't stare too much"Chara
"Especially when we run"Frisk
"Just don't!" Frisk
"Stop asking questions that have obvious answers"Chara
"Hmm.Maybe I ask because I don't know the obvious answer"
"Then ask someone else"Chara
"There's literally no one else here"
"Then the answer is obviously to be quiet and cuddle
with me"Frisk
"Heh I like that answer"you said and cuddled with Frisk

*One moment of obvious flirting later

*You see Frisk and Chara wearing there green and blue sports T-shirt
*You wore your black replica jacket
"You gonna wear that still?"Chara
"Yes because it reminds me about my first two girlfriends"
*Frisk blushed and Chara hits you in the stomach.
*No effect
"Ok let's go"You said holding your hands out
*They accepted

*You took a ride with the Boatman
"Yeah I get it"you said

*You got off and went to Undyne's house and see her preparing some Dummies
"Hey you're finally here"Undyne
"Yup"Frisk and Chara
"So is this a three on one or he's just like holding your hands"Undyne
"He just likes to hold our hands"Frisk
"Sorry"you said and let go of them
"Good.Now I hope your prepared because there won't be a warm up"Undyne
"Oh boy"you said and started to leave
"Wait (Y/N) before you go can you make us some spare clothes"Frisk
"Like the ones your wearing?"
"Or like what Undyne's wearing"Frisk
"Ok sure"you said and made two black tank tops
"If that's all then I'll be going somewhere that you can't see me"
"Just being cautious"you said and left their sights
"Don't stare too much!"Frisk yelled
"I won't" you yelled
"But I will"you said to yourself
*You went behind an area behind a waterfall

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now