Chapter 90 Temptations

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<Incoming Small lemon at the end>
Your POV

*You closed your eyes and rested on the couch
*You hear SF!Asriel walked out of the bathroom
"Hey where's Chara?"SF!Asriel
"She's in her bed"
*SF!Asriel checked SF!Chara's room....He walks out.
"You carried her?"SF!Asriel
"You bastard what else did you do?!"SF!Asriel
"Well I stared at her face then my heart started beating then I..."
"What else?!"SF!Asriel
"I carried her upstairs and place her on the bed"
"I never lie to you bro"you winked at him

"Now I know why that Asriel was protecting his Chara from you"SF!Asriel
"Heh, nah..I just constantly mess with him when I visit"
"I got my eye on you"SF!Asriel
"Well I got an eye on your sister"
"Touch her and I'll kill you!"SF!Asriel
"Hey Asriel"
"Do you usually cuss or you do say that out of habit?"
"...It's none of business"SF!Asriel muttered
*SF!Asriel went to his room

(Don't Touch the Temmies They're on our side)
(Alright boss..Do you want me to drain the negativity from that Toriel and Asgore?)
(No let the siblings sort out their family matters)
(Alright I'm heading back)
(That fast?)
(Well there's a boat load of negativity...I'll take my time here)
(Soooo.....You come into my head often?)
(What the hell are you doing?)
(Just making conversation..Stop making it weird)
(You're the one who's making it weird!)
(Ok ok....So are we eating dinner together?)
(Alright I'm cutting you off)

*You relax on the couch and sense your partner still in the Wetlands.You quietly waited...
*You sense some Monsters approaching the house
*You got off the couch and walked outside.You went into the shed.
"Hey Temmies some Monsters are going to come by..Could you scare them off?"
"Hoi Hoi"All Temmies
*Scar Tem Revs up the Chainsaw
"Hoi!"Scar Temmie

*You and the Temmies walked out and you jumped on the rooftop.
"I'll watch you from here"
"Hoi!"All Temmies
"We'll scare incoming monsters"Temmie Leader
*Scar Tem starts up the chainsaw

*You made a black fur Temmie with a red and black shirt and black shorts
"Go and help any Temmies that gets hurt"
"Hoi"Shadow Temmie
(Damn I thought I removed that feature)

*Shadow Temmie jumps across and lands on the tip of a tree.Its staring at the Temmies with its red eyes.

*The Monsters are here

"Back away!"Temmie Leader
"No trespassing!"Temmie
"Tem will beat yous!"Nervous Temmie
"Stay away from human house!"Greedy Temmie
*Scar Tems turns on chainsaw
"Tem means bizniss!"Curios Temmie

"We're just walking by"Lizard Monster
"No need for trouble"Green Pyro Monster
"Bro These are the ones that got our boys"Salamander Monster
"I don't care"Lizard Monster
"Yeah that's bad luck for them"Green Pyro Monster
*The Monsters left the area

"Come back"
*Shadow Temmie returns to you and you absorb it
*You jumped down

"Did human see?"Temmie Leader
"Tem did good job"Nervous Temmie
"Tem protected house"Greedy Temmie
"Tem didn't get to use da chainsaw"Scar Temmie
"Heh that's ok..You'll use it eventually.Thanks for doing what I ask"
"Human say nice words"Temmie
"Monster treat Tems badly"Nervous Temmie
"But human talked to us like normal"Curios Temmie
"That's why Tems did what human say"Greedy Temmie
"We Tems will watch house now"Temmie Leader
"Human can go sleepys"Scar Temmie
"Heh thanks..My twin might come by..Could let him in for me?"
"Hoi!"All Temmies

*You stare at the Temmies
"What's wrong?"Curios Temmie
*You squat down
"Aren't you cold only wearing that one black shirt?"

"Dis all Tems have"Nervous Temmie
"No other clothes fits Tems"Greedy Temmie
"That's why Tems have no choice"Temmie
"Itz very cold"Temmie Leader
"Tem Kill cold temperature"Scar Temmie
"But Tems Don't mind"Nervous Temmie

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now