Chapter 101 Returning

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Your POV

*You feel something move off the bed
*Now you feel something heavy on your lap.You opened your eyes and see SS!Chara staring at you
"Did I wake you?"SS!Chara
"..Kinda.How are you feeling?"
"I thought you like waking up on my chest"
"I did..I just wanted to..celebrate what you did yesterday"SS!Chara
"Like going on a date?"
"..No..Something more.Like yesterday morning"SS!Chara
"Are you sure?Your brother and Frisk is still here"
"..Its one sided"SS!Chara
*You put both your hands on her hips
"Its always gonna be one sided no matter the situation.But I'll let you do whatever you want"

"..Don't touch me with that skeleton hand again..I'm the one who's doing everything"SS!Chara
*SS!Chara sat next to your legs and unzipped your pants.
"'s sensitive"
"S-shut up"SS!Chara
*She reaches in your zipper and slowly pulls out your soft stick.
"..."SS!Chara pauses
"It gets excited when you-"
"Shut it"SS!Chara
*She starts stroking your stick gently and she sees your stick rise and getting harder.
"Am I..doing good?"SS!Chara
*She starts to stroke faster.
"Chara you need to make it wet or it'll hurt"
*You feel her paused and see her bend her head down.You feel her hot breath then her hot tongue on your stick.She starts bobbing her head and you feel her starting from the tip then reaching halfway.
*You got relaxed and feel better by the second.You hear her gag and sits up straight.
"(Y/N) forget what you heard"SS!Chara
"Never..But damn your getting better"
*She strokes thy shaft

"How about now?"SS!Chara
"U-uh something's missing"
*She goes back down and sucks your stick while she strokes it with one hand.She bobs her head down at a faster rate and her grip was getting stronger.

"Chara hold on"
*She stops and looks at you
"What's wrong?"SS!Chara
"Do you..want me to climax?"
*You see her flustered expression
"Do I really need to say that?"SS!Chara looking away
"Well you can keep going but..It won't come out unless I want to"
"So you can last no matter what I do?"SS!Chara
"Then I guess I'm doing this for nothing"SS!Chara
"No I still feel it but unless you want me to.."
*She puts your stick back in your pants and zips up your pants.She sits back on your lap

"When were you gonna tell me this?"SS!Chara
"When,..You were eager to keep going"
"So only when you find it convenient then?"SS!Chara
"...Well when you say it like that I sound like a jerk"
"You are..Now go"SS!Chara
"Did I upset you?"
"...No you just...make me did something embarrassing again"SS!Chara looking away
*You got up and hugged her.Your head is on her shoulder

"Well if your mad at me again I can fix that if you wish"you whispered in her ear
"It will be slow and gentle.Unless your lying about being mad again"
"Oh I'm mad"SS!Chara
"...Later..I want us to be alone in the house"SS!Chara
"Aww..But I'm returning to my Universe..I already lost track of how many days has passed"
"..Can I come"SS!Chara
"Which one?"
*She elbows your chest
"The obvious answer"SS!Chara
"If you tell everyone your leaving..And you return to your universe"
"I can't go home without you"SS!Chara
"I guess you forgot what I gave you"
"The black heart locket?"SS!Chara
"Mhm..That's your personal warp gate.All you have to make a key out of Determination and unlock it"
"How did you even make that?"SS!Chara
"Because I took some of their knowledge when I absorb their powers..And from annoying people I came across"
"..Did you remember how we met?"SS!Chara
"Are you talking about your (Y/N)?"
"..Never mind"SS!Chara said sadly
"Chara do you know something that I do not?"
*She pushes you to see her face while you're still hugging her

"You'll find out soon.. or later.Just keep being my boyfriend and I'll be happy"SS!Chara
"That was my plan from the beginning"
*She kisses your cheek
"When are we leaving?"SS!Chara
"When you get your butt off this bed and tell your family.Or you can stay here and continue with our..bonding time"
"Hah I'll go get ready"SS!Chara said and got off the bed

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now