Chapter 4 Glow

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Your POV
The next day you took Asriel back to the King and Queen.They delighted to see Asriel coming back home smiling.They thank you for looking after Asriel then you left.
<Yeah no time for small talk>
*You were planning on heading to Gasters lab to test out on a little experiment you had in mind.
*You enter the building entrance but you only see One of the Monitors.
"Hey Alphys, wheres Undyne?"
"Oh hi (Y/N), She's training with Royal Guard!"Alphys
"Oh so it's finally time to see her become a Guard huh"
"Yeah" Alphys said in a sad tone
"Feeling lonely already?"
"W-w-what I was... just thinking... (sigh) yeah I am."Alphys
"Don't think too much about I'm sure you guys can spend more time off work like usual!" You say in positive tone
" usual!" Alphys said in a happy expression
(Hehehe :)
"Maybe you can give her surprise gift"
"Oh like a new set of armor?!"Alphys replied
"No maybe like uhh...hmmm, a date?!" you say smirking
Alphys face turned red
*Alphys faints from thinking too much on going on a date with Undyne.
<Faints while sitting on the chair>
"Oops my bad" you say while putting on a cold compress on her head
*Entrance door opens
"Hey Alphys guess whaaAAAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!"Undyne said as she runs besides Alphys
"Um" you got no idea how to respond
*Audio plays of your recent conversation with Alphys
"How the heck"you say
*Undyne targets (Y/N)
"Oh fuuuu there's no escaping this time"
*Alphys shuffles to the side close to Undyne
*Unconcious Alphys hugs Undyne by the waist
*Unconscious Alphys says "Undyne don't go-(snores)
*Undyne turns red as she looks at Alphys
*You took a picture
*Undyne is unable to move because of sleeping Alphys
(Now it's time to walk to the elevator)
*An overwhelming pressure is crawling on your back
*You escaped...miraculously

*You stand in Gasters door
"Hey Gaster it's (Y/N) let me in" in Wing Dings
No response
(That's odd he never leaves, not for anything.I sense him in there but he ain't moving)
"Oh no it can't be"
*You rushed to the hidden door of Gasters lab but you don't have enough energy to open it, you could break the walls but might damage your new family.
"Ahh what to do! Guess I'm gonna use that then"
*You head to Undyne who put Alphys resting on the frame of the giant keyboard.
*Undyne sees you
*Undyne really wants to fight

(Here we go)

*Undyne rushes at you with fury of punches relentlessly hitting chest,arms, legs
*You stood there taking all the hits
(Y/N) HP: 20/20
"Whaaat!What's going on!"
*You chose to ACT
"Maybe your not fit to be a Royal Guard"
*Undyne Attack increases, Speed Increases
*Undyne continuously punching you with a raging passion
Y/N HP:20/20
"Why aren't you hurt!"Undyne angrily questioned
*You chose to FIGHT
*You attack Undyne with one punch

<It only happened in a blink of a moment but you didn't make contact, just a punch in the air on her stomach>

*Undyne was sent flying across the room
*Undyne went unconscious
"Sorry, there's no time" you say
*You left the battle

*You headed down the elevator
(Man, Undyne is really strong.She's totally gonna be the strongest in the Underground)
*You rushed towards the hidden door but only one way to open it.A door in which Gaster made just for you.
*You stand in front of the hidden door.It looks like an Obsidian texture and color door
<It's behind the vending machines>
(The only key to open this door is
*You punch the door causing it to shatter like glass
It was very thin, thin like an ordinary window pane
(What material is this?)
*You pass through the door heading to the lab
*You see Gaster, he's...he's...

(He's just napping)

"WHAT THE HECK MAN!" You blurted out
*Gaster wakes up
"What,Where ,Who ...uhh Whats happening IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG?!"Gaster with a concern look
*You look at him with an irritated look
"Nah nothing wrong" you say walking towards him
"What's with the loud screaming then"Gaster says
"Nothing, Alright :)"
*Gaster gives up and goes back to rest

"So how did you get in here"Gaster says while his head resting on his arms
"Through the hidden door" you replied in a still annoyed tone
"Oh....Wait..HOW?! YOUR NOT EVEN STRONG ENOUGH TO CRACK THAT!"Gaster stands wanting to know the answer
"I had Undyne help me out, in a way"you say
"Oh I see.So who won the FIGHT "he asks
"Um you can check the cameras Im going conduct a little experiment."
"Don't mess up anything while I look"Gaster warned
*Gaster looks at the footage
*You pull out an acoustic guitar
"Alright time to see if you guys like music " you say with an excited expression

<Play Song>

(0:00-1:04) No response
Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do ya?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing "Hallelujah"

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

(1:04-1:55) They all faintly glow
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

(1:55-2:51) All continues to glow brighter and move in a swaying motion
Baby, I've been here before
I know this room, I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

(2:51-3:41)All continue to glow intensely
Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
(Every "Hallelujah" you sing they move and glow)

*You weren't expecting a lively audience but you were happy with the what you saw on your little experiment.
*Meanwhile Gaster wasn't expecting to witness such an event
"You can sing and play?!" Gaster excitedly finds more information about you
"Um...yeah"you say with a bashful look
"And why did I not find this sooner" Gaster asks
"Because you don't answer when I call and I have to Bash through the "hidden door", while to find you snoozing in a room where others can't bother you!" You remarked
*Gaster has no words to comeback this argument

"Anyways I'm heading to the Underground entrance now"
*You head to the entrance of the hidden door
Oddly the door is fixed, not a single shard is on the floor
(Seriously what material is this)
*You return to Gaster to ask him for a quick teleportation
"Ho having trouble finding the way out I see" Gaster says with a smirk
(You little shi)
"Just teleport me to the Underground entrance already"
"Alright with a price"Gaster says with a smile
"Ok? What is it?"
(Whisper whisper)
"Really, that's it ?!" You say in surprise tone
(I thought it was gonna be something horrific again but I was planning on doing that anyways)
"Deal" you say with a handshake
*Your at the Entrance of the Underground
"Alright time for worr- *vomits"

Next time

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