Chapter 63 Castle

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Your POV

"oh you're all here"Sans
"heh why are you so excited?"Sans
"heh ok"Sans

*You helped yourself to a plate while Sans ate some spaghetti.

"this..this taste great bro!"Sans
"hey kid what did you do?"Sans
"I just watched him cook and gave some tips"
"really? did you give him new pasta-bilities?"Sans
"No I think I just pasta some ideas around"
"Ayyy"You and Sans
"Not a fan?"You asked
"some times but he just gets real saucy when i tell to much"
*Papyrus leaves the house muttering

"Heh I think you really got under his skin"
"heh he's just looking for his funny bone"
"Will you two stop!"Chara
"Don't get saucy with me Chara"
*Chara threw the plastic container
"Ok ok.I'll stop"
"maybe you should've spaghetting on outta here"Sans

"Indeed, Have fun talking you five"
"Wait did you really helped Papyrus cooking?"A-Frisk
"In a way.Why you ask?"
"Oh it's nothing"A-Frisk
(Just like my Frisk...very weird)

*You and Sans watched TV
"Hey Sans"
"Do you have a Gaster in this Underground?"
"Oh...never mind then"
"why the sudden question?"Sans
"Let's say I was just curious.You probably already guessed that me and my humans are from a different universe"
"So you don't mind?"
"Strange Judges usually be more observant but you seem a bit tired"
"welp although i am a judge there's no one making trouble so there is no point in watching"Sans
"Yeah this place seems a lot nicer than my Underground"
"everyone has their own sets of troubles"Sans
"Heh yeah.One more question, do you have a hidden room perhaps?"
"hidden room?like what exactly?"Sans
"Well like a place where no one can find it unless they're looking for it"
"oh..nope.we only have the shed next door"Sans
"Hm.I see"

*You see Chara and Frisk walking to you

"Yes and we want you to show them your magic"Chara
"Which one?"
"The speed one"Frisk
"Oh sure but, what am I doing exactly?"
"Just follow us"Chara said and pulled your arm

*Chara pulled you to one side of the house but Frisk stood next to the stairs.
*Chara made a single red knife
(Oh I have a bad feeling)
"Ok ready?" Chara
"So what are you-"you said

*Chara threw a knife at Frisk.You quickly run towards Frisk and pulling her to safety.The knife was stuck in the wall.

"Chara please never do that again"
*Frisk pats your chest and telling you to let go.

"Why,of all things,did you even think that was okay?"
"Because I knew you would protect her"Chara
"That's still isn't a good reason"
"So that's how fast he is"A-Chara
"Don't ignore me"
"It's ok (Y/N) I'm fine"Frisk
"(Sigh) I'm going back on the couch"
"Ok"Frisk said and kissed your cheek then walked back to Chara
(I'm over it)

*Alternate Frisk has a shocked expression
*Sans disappeared again.

(I'm sure he won't mind if I sleep on the couch)
*You rested on the couch and drifted to sleep

*In your dream world

"Hey what happened?"
"Saw alternate versions of Monsters in this Underground"
"No shit what happened when you talked to them?"
"Well they are very different.Undyne is hot headed and eager to fight.Frisk is curious how we got here and Chara is quiet and observant"
"That's it?"
"We saw Alphys But I didn't talk to her"
"Why not?"
"I didn't want to bother her"
"But she might know what happened to you in this Universe"
"I probably died since none of them recognized me...except Asriel"
"So you probably died during Asriel's life but before the humans arrived"
"I guess.Doesn't matter if they know who I am.There Gaster probably died too"
"Ah So no more clues about yourself but Asriel.Maybe the King or Queen knows you if Asriel does"
"Asriel had a sad emotion when he saw me.I can only guess what expression King and Queen will make"
"This place sucks I want to leave.Nothing but happy emotions here"
"That Ink left us here"
"Fuck..Quick make yourself sad so I can stay alive"
"Hell no.I can still sense you getting stronger for some reason"
"Really?But I see nobody that has negativity except that other Chara"
"Maybe it's from her"
"No it's not strong.But I feel like she's hiding something.Let me out and find out what it is"
"No causing trouble in a place you never been to will make more of a mess"
"Quit worrying"
"Quit being cocky"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now