Chapter 69

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Your POV

*You turned around and see Frisk,Chara and Echo Frisk
<You gain knowledge about some of the AU's from G.You didn't gain any from Nightmare Sans because you were getting mind Fu**>

"Why are you three here?!"
"You said you never leave our side!" Frisk
"This isn't up for discussion!Return back to the Omega Timeline!"
"G!"EchoFrisk said and went over to G
(Ah more complications)
"What happened to you?!"Echo Frisk
"That runt did something to take my magic away"G
"Hey I don't know who you are but give G's magic back!"Echo Frisk
"He started the Fight.This is his fault"
"You piece of shit.Just give it"G
"I really like this magic.Teleportation,Gaster Blasters, yellow magic, that's very interesting.But I'm not hearing an apology from you"
"Apologize for what?!"G
"You frightened my humans the first time we met.I want you to say sorry to them"
"That's it?!"G
"You get mad from that?!"G
"I would kill you if not for your Frisk being here.If she wasn't, you would be nothing but dust Gaster and Sans"
"G did you tell him?"Echo Frisk
"No he's some kind of freak.More than my (Y/N)"G
"You killed him right?Because he was a bit...destructive?"
"Yeah just like you.Your Gaster should've done the same"G
"What a comeback.Are you gonna stand up and say it or are you getting ready to be put in your grave"
"(Y/N) calm down!"Chara
"Why are you so tense?"Frisk
"He started the fight, he made you scared.I am not gonna let any of that slide until he apologizes"
"G just apologize already"Echo Frisk
"Tch Fine.I'm sorry"G
"For what?"
"...For frightening your humans"G said with an irritated look
(That's fine...for now)

*You walked closer to G Sans
"You better not hurt him"Echo Frisk
"I won't.I promise."you said and touched G Sans shoulder.You gave back his abilities.

"Is it back?"Echo Frisk
"Let me check"G Sans said and quickly throws a white bone at you.
*It hits your chest.No effect
"Want to experience death?"
"G stop!"Echo Frisk
"You damn freak"G
"I will not hesitate to kill you if you do that again"
"G stop fighting.He won't fight anymore"Echo Frisk said and picked up G!Sans

"How are you this strong?"G
"How are that weak?"
"You're still gonna sass me?"G
"I gained your memories and knowledge about every single event about you.I have facts how weak and dumb you are.You could've teleported everyone out during that malfunction but instead you stayed behind trying to stop the machine from overloading"
"I don't give a fuck if you know everything!Keep saying shit about my Universe and-"G
"And what?!"
"Nothing!Right G"Echo Frisk
"Yeah let's just find Ink"G

*You walked back to Frisk and Chara
"(Y/N) I don't like how you're acting right now"Chara
"You never acted this way before"Frisk
"I know.I did tell you I was filled with Hate.From Ink and to that skeleton over there"
"Just calm down"Frisk
"But why are we back here?"Chara
"Did you two just jump in, and not caring if you might be in danger?"
"..We came for you"Chara
"You don't want us to be with you?"Frisk
"I'm still mad at why you're here.Your little game ends now"
"We're not going"Frisk said hugging you
"You will protect us wherever we are right?"Chara said hugging after
"Yes but-"
"Then we're staying with you"Frisk
"No complaints"Chara

"I can easily throw you back at the door"
"Well you can't when we hold onto you"Frisk said holding tighter
"Don't you even think about it"Chara
"I am afraid to lose you"
"..Then if things get dangerous.We will leave.Ok?"Chara
"Please do that.If I lost one of you I will go crazy"
"You've been crazy"Frisk
"About you two...Now let's go see Ink"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now