Chapter 79 Bath

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Your POV

"(Clears throat)"
*SS!Chara looks up and sees you
"(Y/N)!Your back!"SS!Chara said and tackles you for a hug
*You hugged back
"Did I take long?"
"No it's only been a day"SS!Chara
"Sorry I couldn't come back sooner"
"Hah shut up"SS!Chara squeezes you

*You hear a voice coming from the door
"Is someone with you?" ? Ask
"Ah that's my friend"SS!Chara said to you
"Is that a dude?"
"Pfft calm down.He is just a person that I talked to"SS!Chara
"My friend came by!Don't worry he won't say anything about you"SS!Chara said at the door
"Oh..then are you leaving?" ?
"(Y/N) can we meet at the house?"SS!Chara
*You stare at her
"He's not what you think he is"SS!Chara
"So it is a dude"
*SS!Chara walked up to you and kiss your cheek
"It is but I like you more"SS!Chara
"Heh ok.I'll be with Asriel"
"Oh he might be with the human"SS!Chara
"Hmm.Then I'll just watch over him"
"Hah thanks"SS!Chara
"No problem.I love you Chara!"you yelled and quickly teleported
(Heh her face lit up)

*You're at The Furnace <Hotland>
*You see SS!Asriel walking and talking to SS!Frisk
(She looks exactly like SS!Chara)

*Looks like Asriel's..
(No way!Is he on a date?!)
*SS!Asriel seems to happy talking to SS!Frisk

*They are currently walking on a narrow path and see SS!Asriel showing off his magic.He had rainbows coming out of his hands and and tries to spin around.He looses his footing and see him stumble off the edge

"(Sigh)"You said and made Gaster Palm to catch
SS!Asriel and slowly picked lift him back up

"Asriel how are you doing that?!"SS!Frisk
"This isn't me"SS!Asriel
"Then who?"SS!Frisk
"I don't know"SS!Asriel
*You put SS!Asriel back on the ground

*Then Gaster Palm slowly became smaller and you made one more small Gaster Palm for yourself

<You connected the Gaster Palms to make it into a little phone to talk to>

"You should watch your step future little bro"
"(Y/N)?!..Did you save me?"SS!Asriel
"Yeah and why are you spinning around at the most dangerous place in the Underground?"
"I-i uhh was showing Frisk my magic"SS!Asriel
"Mhm.I keep this little event a secret from Chara so you owe me something"
"(Sigh)Is it my sister?"SS!Asriel
"Heh of course it is.I want her for a day again"
"Yeah ok and thanks for saving me"SS!Asriel
"Anything for my little brother"
"Stop calling me that!"SS!Asriel
*You made the mini Gaster Palms disappear

*You see SS!Asriel being questioned by SS!Frisk
*You sense something behind you.You turned around and see a droopy...flower
"What the-"
"Who are you" Flower
(I got nothing but bad vibes)
"A human"
"I didn't see you drop in.You must be lying.So Who are you?"Flower said monotone
"A human"
"...I hate playing this game.You better tell me who you are or I'm going to have to fight you"Flower
"Bring it on"

*Boogie started a fight with you
*Boogie checks you
-Y/N HP:30/30 Def:Unknown Attack:Unknown

"What are these stats?"Boogie
"I don't know"
*You checked Boogie
HP:Unknown Def:Unknown Attack:Unknown
-Very straightforward

"So what now?"
*Boogie destroys all your battle options.You have no way to end the battle.
"Now I finally found someone like me.We're gonna be like this forever"Boogie
(Alright this is weird)
(I know)
*You think of a way to escape
"So who are you?"Boogie
"That's ok.Take your time"Boogie
*You made a kinetic clone.Your clone carried you out of the battle zone.
*You successfully escaped and you assimilated with the kinetic clone.

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now