Chapter 21 Training

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No one's POV

*Undyne had Frisk and Chara take a rest for the day since it's already late

"These two really cares about (Y/N) huh.At least he has friends he can count on, not like back then..."Undyne

*Its 6:00 AM
"RISE AND SHINE PUNKS!"Undyne quietly greeted
*Frisk and Chara woke up screaming and scrambling around and gave her a DETERMINED look.

<Nah they were just dreaming of ice cream and Undyne gave them a heart attack instead.>

"Alright I see you two are wide awake and ready for training!"Undyne
"What time is it?"Frisk
"6:01 am"Undyne replied
"Why did you wake us so early then?"Chara
"Because there is no time like the present.Now...GET YOUR BUTTS OUTSIDE OR I'LL KICK IT FOR YA!"Undyne said

*Some time later

"Alright punks if you don't want to FIGHT for (Y/N).
Then I suggest you leave."

*Frisk and Chara didn't respond but they had a Determined look on their punk faces

"No?Then first off we do some stretches,cardio,endurance training,close combat,long-range combat and finally we will have a rematch to see if you are truly ready."Undyne
"All of that in a week?"Frisk
"No are you kidding me?"We'll be doing all of that...for the...whole DAY."Undyne
*Frisk and Chara had a less DETERMINED look

*Training in Waterfall

*Cardio Training 6:30-7:00
"Move it ladies your ain't coming back home if your staying behind!"Undyne said as she zooms passed Frisk and Chara

"Oh god how is she so fast for a fish?!"Chara
"I don't know but I won't give in!"Frisk said gaining speed"

*Endurance Training 7:00-7:30
"Ah man this reminds me of the good old days"Undyne
"Was that back in the war with humans!"Chara said as blue spears are forming behind her
"This is really not how I thought this would end"Frisk
"Quit talking and more running"Undyne

*Close Combat Training 8:00-8:30
"Alright punks get ready for a fight for your lives"
*Undyne rushes at Frisk and Chara at the same time
"Wait I thought(block)this was(block)just training!"Chara
"It is"Undyne
"Then(block)why are we fighting(block)for our lives?"Frisk
"Because if you fail here you ain't coming home to (Y/N).Now more punching back and less blocking"Undyne

*Long-range Combat Training 9:00
"You punks may have experience but it won't be easy like last time"
*Undyne form spears in all directions forming a circle
"Oh no.Frisk whats the plan?"Chara
"Umm jump over the normal spears from the front and hold still while the blue ones are coming from the back"

*Day 1 of Training complete

*Taking a small break back at Undyne's training ground

"So you scrubs ready for the test?"Undyne
"We need(inhale) a minute(exhale)"Chara
"This is way too soon isn't it?"Frisk
"Might be but you have to learn to be ready for the unexpected"Undyne
"We need more than single day to have a rematch with you"Frisk
"Oh yeah when is that gonna happen because to me if we fought right now,I'll be able to take your souls and (Y/N) won't be able to do anything about it."Undyne
"Fine lets have that rematch"Frisk
"Wait hold on Frisk you said-"Chara
"I know but the faster we finish training.The faster we reunite with (Y/N)"
*Chara had a realization expression

"Alright let's do this Frisk!"Chara
"Heh you punks finally ready?"Undyne
"Of course"Chara and Frisk
"Alright then let's start now!"Undyne

*Undyne slowly summons spears from the ground and gradually increasing the speed.Frisk and Chara dodge them easily.Undyne had an excited expression

"Alright if that's to easy to dodge how about this!"Undyne

*Undyne made spears rain down above them.They took some hits but was able to continue.Frisk and Chara rushes in on Undyne.

*Frisk attack from the front and Chara from the back using training spears.Undyne dodges both of them then suddenly Frisk threw her spear and hits Undyne on her stomach.

"Heh well played"Undyne

*Undyne is showing no MERCY
*Undyne summons yellow spears and forms a circle around Frisk and Chara.Then she summons white spears from the top.And finally slowly creating blue spears at the bottom.Her ultimate attack

"Umm Frisk this might be a problem"Chara
"I see that"Frisk
"Then we better think of something quick!"Chara

*Your in a hopeless situation where dodging seems impossible.But your desire to defeat Undyne fills your soul with...

"Whao this is new"Frisk
"What's new?!"Chara
"No time.Stay close to me!"Frisk
"What about the plan to escape?!"Chara
"Don't worry"Frisk
*The Undyne attack's Frisk and Chara literally in all directions.
"(Exhale)Jeez that was a workout.Theres no way they wou-.No way"Undyne
*In the moment of Undyne's attack, Frisk surrounds herself and Chara with red shields made of DETERMINATION,blocking all incoming attacks and being unharmed by the blue ones below.
*Undyne withdrew the blue spears
"What in the Underground just happened?!"Undyne
"Waoh Frisk this is really something!How did you create this?"Chara
"I don't know it just appeared in my options.I felt a surge of power an-"Frisk
*Undyne noogies Frisk's head
"Hey punk what the the heck was that!I thought you two couldn't use magic?!"Undyne
*Undynes stops
"I haven't got a clue"Frisk
"Hey Chara what about you?!Can you use magic now?!"Undyne
"Let me check"Chara
"Maybe if we FIGHT again you can use magic?!Undyne said
"Yeah I'm really want to see what yours looks like!"Frisk
"How about tomorrow?"Chara
"No it has to be now!"Frisk
"Yeah that was just a warm up.Now let's go at it one more time!"Undyne
"If Frisk has a shield maybe Chara has a Giant Sword!"Undyne
"I don't think-"Chara
"Maybe she can summon CHOCOLATE so she can heal herself!"Frisk
"Frisk I think that's a bit far fetched"Undyne
"Yeah it's the same level as your "Giant Sword" idea"Frisk
"Well there's only-"Undyne
"Um Chara are you ok?"Frisk
"Yeah let's start that FIGHT"Chara
"But your drooling like...a lot lot"Frisk
"It's natural don't worry"Chara said looking ready
"It's definitely not natural!"Frisk and Undyne
"Don't get distracted by the small stuff now let's get into that FIGHT"Chara said while wiping her mouth
*Chara is feeling DETERMINED

Next time

<So to be honest I didn't think of a way out for Frisk and Chara when Undyne used her ultimate attack.I literally researched "Can you summon anything with DETERMINATION".Well luckily you can>

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