Chapter 120 Grey Door

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Your POV

*You lead everyone to the vending machine

"Undyne can you move these aside?"
"Got it"Undyne said and push the vending machines out of the way

*You all see the black pane wall
"What is this?"Alphys
"One of his secret entrances into his lab"
*You punched the black pane and see it fall down into shards

*You picked up one of the shards and ate it
(So its that kind of material)
"(Y/N)!Stop standing there and go in!"Chara
"Oh sorry"

*You continued forward and stepped into Gaster's Lab

"So this is his Lab"Alphys
"And the seven tubes..."Asgore
"Oh my"Toriel

*You looked over to the hidden wall and walked up to it.You punched it and see it glow white...The light faded away and see a symbol of a white Gaster Blaster
"Oh you got to be kidding me"

"Give me room to shoot a Blaster"you said then see everyone move away from behind you

*You created a Gaster Blaster and shot out a black beam and hits the hidden wall.The Black light faded and see the wall disappear.You notice a Grey Door at the end, of the just open up room.

"There it is"
"The door"
"What door?"Frisk
"It's just an empty room"Chara
"Wait its just like in that video"
*You walked to the Grey Door

"Then that means none of can follow"
*Frisk and Chara grabbed your wrist.SS!Chara teleported in front of you
"You guys can't keep me here"
*SS!Chara hugged you then Frisk and Chara did the same.
"Come back safe"SS!Chara
"And get back what you lost"Frisk
"Promise us that you'll return"Chara
"Ok I promise..But if I don't-"
"You will!"Chara
"Because we didn't even go to the Surface together"Frisk
"You also have to make my parents know you're still dating me"SS!Chara
"Heh ok..I will definitely come back"
*They all let go

*You walked forward and open the Grey Door and suddenly the whole area just went dark.You turned around and see Gaster

"Welcome to the Void"Gaster
"How are you even alive?"
"Determination can give you some amazing sights that I would have never seen before..if I didn't have any"Gaster
"I made sure I drain all of that out of you"
"Hehehe that's why you're my greatest creation..Always thinking ahead and preventing potential future problems"Gaster
"Well because of a certain someone that he drilled that into my brain so I won't mess up next time"
"Let's just get straight to the point"Gaster
*Gaster stepped to his left and revealed Partner unconscious on the ground.

"This is what's keeping you alive.What a odd being made up of pure negativity.Im surprise you even Partnered with this thing"Gaster
"Just tell me what you want"
"I want to be alive again..And I'm sure you know how we're gonna accomplish that"Gaster
"By shattering mine?"
"Hahaha I'm glad you're not an idiot"Gaster
"Well I was thinking about it"
"Yeah..But it was too late when I saw you turn to dust"
"Well let's get started"Gaster
"Give it back first"
"Hahaha oh please..You should already know how we work together"Gaster
"Tch..How do I know it's actually the one I lost?"
"Well"Gaster said and kicked Partner's body

*You see Partner's body up in the air and falls back down.....
*You see it waking up
"Ahhh why is my ass hurting?"Partner said getting up
"Because you're fucking holding me back!"you called out
"Partner?Where are we? And who the fuck is this guy?!"Partner
(Yeah that's the idiot I know and hate)
"Believe me now?"Gaster
"Yeah I do"
*You revealed your soul
"Now carefully shatter it"Gaster
"I's my soul.Of course I'm going to be careful"
"You still got that attitude"Gaster
"Well it ain't changing because I saw you died"
"Partner answer me!"Partner
"Quiet the professionals are talking!You of all beings should have protected yourself from Gaster"
"Gaster?..Oh shit..Did I fuck up?"Partner
"I don't know.You waking up in a room, and you have no clue of what's going on, explains a lot to me"
"Enough with chit chat.You two will be back together once we leave this cursed place"Gaster
"Yeah just give me a second"

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now