Chapter 61 New Underground

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Your POV

*You felt something coming near your area.Its getting closer.You slowly moved away from Frisk.But she grabs you subconsciously.

(Nows not the time Frisk)
(Let me check it out)
(No if anything goes wrong your my trump card)
(Do you want to get kicked?)

*The moving energy is near your area.It suddenly stops.
*You moved away from Frisk.Frisk looks for you subconsciously.
*You looked at the entrance of the waterfall.Whatever it is knows your here
*You suddenly see a person who looks like the boatman
"Oh hello" ?
"May I ask for your name?" ?
"I see.I am the River person.Someone told me you were here" ?
(I was being watched?)
"I'm not here to fight just to talk" ?
"You look very familiar.Will you like to see our King?" ?
"I am not leaving without answers" ?
(Fighting might be a problem and Transporting these two will prove difficult.)

"The names Bob"
"Well Bob, we have some humans here in the Underground.Would you like to talk to them instead?" ?
"No not really"
"Well May I know what's your objective?" ?
"You got your answers now leave"
"I see.Well I hope you will meet the other humans soon" ?
*The River person left your area

*You returned to Frisk and made her feel safe.
(I didn't feel any hostility in that guy.But it seems a
*Frisk snuggles to your warmth.You kiss her head

*One moment of human sleep later

*You feel Chara getting up.You opened your eyes and see her standing above you.
"My turn"Chara
"Heh ok"You said and let go of Frisk
*Frisk searches for you and turns around and hugs your right arm
"(Sigh)"Chara said and lays on your left side
"I want you to hold me"Chara
"Frisk holding me back"
"The push her away"Chara
"Chara you know I won't"
"I make you kiss me until your satisfied"Chara
*Your heart skipped a beat
*You slowly freed your arm but failed
"Make a pillow then replace your arm"Chara

*You did what she said and Frisk is hugging the pillow
"Now come and get it"Chara
*Your heart raced
*You made a blanket and made it cover you and Chara.
"Better not run away"
*You kissed her lips and and slipped your tongue inside her mouth.Chara moans.You pulled back
"What's wrong?"Chara
"Your making these sounds and it's making my heart go crazy"

*Chara smile and pulls you back in for a kiss.She seems to want it more than you and wouldn't let you.
"Chara you seem a bit intense"
"Don't like?"Chara
*You gave her a special kiss.She puts her arms around your back gripping your jacket.Her hot breath and tongue made you keep going till she pushes you back
"I'm not satisfied"
"I'm not giving a chance to breathe next time"you said and kissed her with your chocolate taste and made her moan in response.You feel her heart pound on your chest.You put your hands on her waist and her neck.She try's to breathe but you got her back in your mouth.She tries to look away but you made her face you....You went back.
*You feel her hot body all around.The blanket was making everything hotter.You uncovered yourself and see Chara's red face and twitching a bit
*You hugged her

"I'm not satisfied yet"
*Chara gave a little tiny scream
*You reversed positions and made her head rest on your chest

"If you stay like this until Frisk wakes up then I'm satisfied"
*Chara is still trying to catch her breath
"I love you Chara"
*Chara weakly punches you
*You hugged her tighter
*Chara finally catches her breath

"Can you give me a chance to breathe?"Chara
"No..You always make these cute reactions and I can't help it"
*Chara punches your arm
"Ow...But that's ok.How did the second kiss went?"
"...It went ok"Chara
"Just ok?I guess I'll make it sweeter"
*You hold her closer

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now