Chapter 7 Sins of the Wicked

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This month is our towns annual festival where we celebrate and pray for a good harvest next year.

"Hey Chara lets play already" Frisk complained
"Hold on I just woke up"Chara replied
*Chara came out of her house
"Jeez you take forever to get ready" Frisk pouted
"Sorry it's not my fault beauty takes preparation" Chara proudly says
"We both look alike and I came all the way from town square just to get you" Frisk says
"Oh really, sorry it won't happen next time I swear" Chara says then grabbing Frisk hand
"Then to make it up to you I'll buy you sweets at the town square" Chara offered
"That was the plan from the beginning"-_- Frisk said
"Then how about I ask my dad to let you try his new cake recipe"Chara said
"Deal" Frisk agrees

*Frisk and Chara ran around town square trying the food they could buy.They realize they spent most of their money and decided to head to Chara's dad sweet shop.

"Dad I'm here with Frisk"Chara said as she came in

*The mayor is currently talking to Chara's dad

"Ho the shop owner's daughter is here to see him.I'll come by next time to discuss about our conversation later.I hope you little ladies enjoy the rest of the festival"the Mayor said as he left

"Hows my favorite daughter doing"Chara's dad said also giving her a hug
"I'm your only daughter" Chara said
"Haha indeed that makes you my only favorite.Frisk, hows your day with Chara been."
"Fun.Chara found amazing food stalls to eat at"Frisk replied
"Yeah and I promise I let her taste the new cookie recipe you made"Chara added
"Oh I see then let's not break that promise.Follow me to the kitchen"
"Ok" Chara and Frisk said

"Well where is it"Chara ask
"Well were gonna make it,as in now."Chara's dad said
"You didn't bake it yet?!"Chara complained
*Chara ask her dad to bake it today when she asked him yesterday
"Haha psych, it's in the oven,hot and ready"Chara's dad replied
*He open the oven letting out a sweet and irresistible aroma
"Smells delicious" they all said
"Well what are you waiting for.Try some."he offered
*Both Frisk and Chara took one and eating it
"They're delicious" they both said
"...Hmmm" Chara's dad said
"What, is there something wrong?"Chara asked
"...Yeah you could say that"he replied
*Both Chara and Frisk started to look sleepy
"Huh I'm tired all of the sudden"Chara said drowsily
"Yeah...same"Frisk said then fell unconscious
"Fri-isk"Chara said then fell unconscious
"Ah that's what's missing"Chara's dad said
Chara's POV
*Chara woke up but surprise to be home
She got out of bed to try to find her dad.She heard voices coming from the basement.It sounded there's more than a couple of voices.She got down and tried to listen in at the edge of the slightly opened doorway.

"Are you serious what the hell were thinking of kidnapping this girl.Charas friend nonetheless."?said
"I had no choice the mayor you expect me to give our daughter to those monsters"? said

"Of course not but it didn't have to be our Chara's friend!"mom said
"Shhh,you'll wake her upstairs.Look the mayor came to our shop.He...he said our daughters name was picked."dad said sadly
"Gasp.No it can't there's more than fifty other kids living here, how? did it come to this?"mom sobbing

(What are they talking about?)

"Here's the plan okay.I won't give them our daughter.When that blasted mayor comes with the other towns people tonight we'll...we'll give them Frisk."dad said while hugging mom
"What,no her pare-"mom
"They both look alike so those people can't tell.And Frisk parents agreed to this"
"What why?"mom
"I offered them our house in exchange to save our daughter.We'll just have start over-"dad
"What?How could they?There own daughter"mom

"Apparently they aren't her real parents just some kid they thought they could use for manual labor."dad

"Oh my, that's not...NO I'm still against this!"mom
"...Calm down, drink this and calm down your gonna wake up Chara" dad
*Chara's mom drinks
"Sigh.Ok're gonna...think of-"mom falls to the floor
"Sorry but you will wake up tomorrow to see our daughter still alive.One day you'll thank me."dad
*Frisk shuffles in the background
"Frisk I hope you'll understand as well, the is no father that wouldn't watch there own daughter die."dad
*Chara's dad surrounds Frisk with heavy stacks of barrels of water and putting sacks of sugar over on top of them.He then picks up Chara's mom and headed up...slowly.


*Chara went back up the first floor quietly as possible.Luckily in a nick of time her dad didn't hear anything.As her dad went up to the second floor to put her mom to bed,Chara went down the basement to find Frisk.

"Frisk...frisk where are you?" I whispered
*You heard shuffling at the corner of the room
"Frisk keep shuffling around so I can find you" I said
*The shuffling got louder.It appears to be coming from behind the stack barrels.You tried to push one.
It won't budge.
"Hold on Frisk I'll save you jus-"

"Knock knock" *front door

"Good evening sweet shop owner"Mayor
(Oh no they're here already.Theres no time I'll have to climb)
*You grab a stool
(Get out of way you delicious sugar)
*You pushed the sugar sacks off
*You heard a muffled scream from Frisk
"Oooo sorry frisk" I quietly say
"So where's your daughter?" Mayor
<Behind him are the adults of the town.About 120 people wearing black hoods while some holding torches>

"She's the...basement" dad said nervously
<Yeah because that's where everyone puts their daughters>

"Huh, nice try shop owner but I can't say I believe you.Gentlemen please restrain this man and search the whole house."Mayor ordered
*Ten men invaded your house only searching the first and second floor

(NOOO!!!Chara please wake up and run,hide i don't care which please God protect her) Chara's Dad

(I finally gotten over those damn barrels)
"Don't worry fri-" I paused
*You saw Frisk tied up but also see tear stains on the cloth covering her eyes.
(I guess she heard everything from mom and dad)
"Don't worry Frisk I'm here" I said to calm her down
"Sniffling" Frisk
"Stop that your sister is here to rescue you" I said hoping she would stop
"We only found the wife sleeping but no child"Townsmen-A reported
"I told you not let me go" dad

(What she's not here maybe she...No I she couldn't left the house if the townspeople were coming...No she wouldn't) Chara's Dad

*They released him
"Sorry about that,so shall we proceed.Or would you like us to get your daughter"Mayor
"No!...I'll go get her"dad
*Chara's dad was heading down to the basement
"Oh, if you come back empty handed we'll hold the ritual and bestowing punishment by burning your house down"Mayor
"I get it"dad replied

(Chara please don't be down here) Chara's Dad

(So how do I climb back up with Frisk?.*Footsteps coming closer and getting louder.No I need to get out of here with Frisk)

"Frisk this is gonna hurt but I want you to know I LOVE you"
"Hmmm?"Frisk muffled say
*Chara toss Frisk over the stacked barrels
(Oooo that's sounded like it's gonna leave a mark)
<Of course it will>
(Alright success time to get Frisk out of here)
*Basement door opens

*Dad spots you trying to SAVE Frisk

Next Time
<Another Chapter Over 1,000 words>


Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now