Chapter 81 King Bonely

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Your POV

*You both went quiet until SS!Asriel finally came back inside the room.
"It's already noon she has to be up already!"SS!Asriel
"Nah she's still asleep"
"Liar!She changed positions!"SS!Asriel
"Fine"You said and picked up SS!Chara

"I'm not going out like this"SS!Chara
"I'm only going to teleport to your mom it will be fine"
"(Y/N)!"Flustered SS!Chara said

"Heh"you said and put her down
*SS!Chara slaps your arm
"So why are you so eager to wake up Chara?"
"You just want her away from me"
"...No"SS!Asriel looking away
"I'm definitely going to steal her now"
"Stop messing with Rei.(Y/N) I'll call you later"SS!Chara said walking out
"Alright"you said following them out to the living room

"Are you going to check on your puzzles?"
"Alright..I guess I'll go see Sans"
"Don't make him mad"SS!Chara
*You see SS!Frisk staring at you
"Do you need something Frisk?"
"U-Uhm can I go with you?"SS!Frisk
*You see SS!Chara pull SS!Frisk behind the couch and went down
*You see them return back up
"On second thought, I'm going to hang out with these two"SS!Frisk
"Chara did you-"
"No"SS!Chara quickly said
"Alright I'll see you back home I guess"
"Okay come back quick"SS!Chara
"Of course.I hope your not stalling for time"
"I'm not"SS!Chara
"Heh ok.So I'll be leaving now"you said and teleported to The Furnace.
(Can't just blindly teleport to the castle when I don't know if there's open space)

*You walked across the hot terrain and reached the
Dreemurr Labs and walked in.You see SS!Asgore on the computers watching...a sci-fi show
<Not much info on SS!Asgore>

"Hello"you said
*SS!Agore fell on the floor from his chair and got back up
"Hello there I didn't hear you come in"SS!Asgore
"So I heard you and Asriel are good friends"SS!Asgore looking worried
"But may I ask why did you cause such a scene in the lava zone and how you can withstand the heat?"SS!Asgore
"Because I could.Not much I could tell you.Anyways I just wanted to tell you I like your daughter"
"You what?"SS!Asgore looking serious
"I like Chara"
"Like a friend?"SS!Asgore
" a girlfriend"
"I see..Does Tori know?"SS!Asgore
"And she talked to you?"SS!Asgore
"Well then.If you like my daughter as much she likes you then I'll be a good father and accept that she's dating someone"SS!Asgore
"I'm glad you understand"
"So you'll give me your blessing to date Chara?"
"Heh thank you Asgore"you said and bowed
"I didn't tell you my name"SS!Asgore
"Oh right.I'm (Y/N), a human that came from another universe"
"I'm sorry.You are from another Universe?"SS!Asgore
"...I see.Well..I'm Asgore the Royal Scientist of the Underground"SS!Asgore
"It's was nice to meet you.But I have to go talk to the King now"
"You know the King?"SS!Asgore
" could say that we're like brothers"
"I'm afraid I never seen you here before.When did you arrive?"SS!Asgore
"About three days ago"

"But you know the King already?"SS!Asgore
"No..when I said we're like brothers.I meant he's my alternate brother"
"Then I'm afraid I have to stop you.Undyne!"SS!Asgore
*You hear loud metal footsteps coming from the wall.Something broke through the wall and you see..
(Oh my god)

(Oh my god)

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Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now