Chapter 59 Form

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Your POV

*You stood in front of the humans and Undyne
*You see Frisk and Chara stare intently
"Don't stare weirdos"
"Shut up and get into forming"Chara
"Transforming"you corrected
*You closed your eyes and concentrated on letting out the magic energy stored inside your soul.You slowly released and you began to grow taller.You feel large amounts of magic circulating your body.You felt strong but tried to concentrate on not going overboard.You opened your eyes and finally relaxed a bit more.

*You see Frisk and Chara staring at you with a different expression.

*You see them walk closer to you
"You do get taller"Chara
"It looks impossible"Frisk
"What's impossible?"
"Can you bend down a little?"Frisk
"Ok"You said and did
*Chara and Frisk kissed your cheek

*You felt your soul get stronger
"What's wrong?" Chara
"Uhm it's nothing"
"Then why is your face red?"Frisk
"Because I'm...Undyne you have refrigerator right?"
*Frisk and Chara chuckled
"No stay"Frisk
"It's been awhile you had that face"Chara
"Kissing me suddenly is something new"
"It's only on the cheek"Chara
"It's still made me feel happy"
*Frisk and Chara smiled

"Can I go back to normal now?"
"Mmm maybe a later"Frisk
"Just make us something to eat like that"Chara
"Ugh But I might mess up"
"Then we cook together"Frisk
*Undyne looks at you
"I'm didn't even ask!"Undyne
"Your house is gonna burn once I turn around"
"Shut it punk and just cook"Undyne
"Alright but what do you got?"you ask

*You all went inside and see the refrigerator.All it has is just one apple

"Undyne I couldn't even make apple pie with this"you said
"Then just create food using your magic"Undyne
"Creating something that exists takes a lot of energy"
"Then let's go to Grilby's"Undyne
"Hmm.It has been a while.Do you two mind?"
"I'm ok with it"Frisk
"Alright let's-..You two aren't going dress like that"
"Why?" Frisk
"What's the problem"Chara
"Your slender arms are distracting me"
"Then stop staring"Chara
"If I get distracted then others will get distracted by you"
"Then add sleeves"Frisk
"But..."You said and stare
"Quit staring!"Chara
"This new look...I kinda like it for some reason"
"Ok punks let's just go"Undyne said and picked up Frisk and Chara
(Let's just see where this takes us)

*You made a Gaster palm connecting through Grilby's kitchen.You all entered through
(Better change back)

*You went back to normal height

"Weird he's not here for once"
"Maybe he's out in the front"Chara
*You all went outside and see Grilby talking to...
(Ah come on)
"Hey it's you!"Ink

"Why are you here?"you asked
"Why are you here?!"Grilby ask
"I went to the back door"you said
"This building has no back door!"Grilby
"Well there is now"you said
"Ugh...Do you know this skeleton?"Grilby
"Hey let's eat together!"Ink
"(Y/N) who's this?"Undyne
"His name is Ink.A person I found walking through Waterfall"
"So when did you arrived?"Undyne
"A day ago"Ink
"Let's just sit down and order something"you said
*You all ordered food from Grilby
"So why are you here?"Undyne
"Oh I just want to show you around the Multiverse"Ink
(I can't keep lying)

"Ahhh.Undyne let me explain"
"Go on"Undyne
"This Ink here.He can cross different universes and is the protector of all alternate universes"
"I wish Alphys was here"
"Wait so he's like a Guardian?"Frisk
"I don't know"
"I never actually see him be Guardian like"
"That's why I'm here.To show you"Ink
"Yeah...No"you said
"Just one alternate Universe"Ink

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now