Chapter 139 A Long Chat

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Your POV

*You, Frisk, Chara, UT!Asriel, UT!Chara and UT!Frisk went back to the Throne Room

"I've been meaning to ask but why do you keep calling Asriel bro and brother"UT!Chara
"Because we are"you and UT!Asriel
*UT!Chara thinks to herself

*You all looked around the Throne Room
"Asgore isn't here"UT!Frisk
"Maybe he's at Old Home"UT!Asriel
"Should we walk?"
"It's not that far anyways"UT!Frisk
*You all headed to Old Home

*You see UT!Asriel smiling
"Hey Asriel if you want your magic back I can give you a heart locket that contains it"
"Why a heart locket?"UT!Chara
"It's the only locket I've seen.Unless you like a different shape"
"Could you make a Star?"UT!Asriel
"Pff like the size of your Starfall?"
"It's called Star Blazing!"UT!Asriel replied suddenly
"It's not on fire"

"It doesn't have to be!Its my attack so I can name it Whatever I want!"UT!Asriel
"Heh ok.But you should try making it more less showy.Its kinda easy to dodge"
"It's not!There was a whole swarm around you!"UT!Asriel
"True but you didn't hit me at least once"
"Maybe if you didn't teleported"UT!Asriel
"But I sense that you had more toys than that little beam cannon"

"It's called the Chaos Buster!"UT!Asriel
"Hmm..You make the coolest names but it doesn't describe what it does.Its so misleading"
"Good..Because I don't want anyone to know what it does"UT!Asriel
"So what do you call your swords?"
"I feel like your making fun of me"UT!Asriel said grumpily

"Not really.I just never seen that type of magic.I only seen a Gaster Blaster and a Gaster Palm that can do those things"
"If you fought for reals what would you do first?"UT!Asriel
"I put you to sleep"

"By sending a large magic energy wave that disrupts the targets('s) soul and making them either underwhelm or cause them to faint"
"So that's what you did to Happstablook"Chara
"That was on accident.I didn't even target her"
"She felt really tired you know.I thought she would actually be in some kind of dire need of help"Frisk
"I'll make it up to her.But don't tell her"
"Wait I never heard or read anyone that could do that"UT!Asriel

"Because it's my ability.Something you'll found out in time"
"So if I actually was underwhelmed what would you do next?"UT!Asriel
"If that we're to happen.At that moment you would feel tired,nauseous,weak and your whole body will be in a state of energy deprivation.I think you wouldn't even think about me and only think about yourself"
"Sorry is my single ability too scary for you?"
"No!I was just thinking you are underestimating me"UT!Asriel
"Then want to test it out?"
"Because I'm too tired from today.I want to fight you a my best"UT!Asriel
"Heh ok.Whatever you say little bro"
"Mmmm"UT!Asriel angrily
"You never stop teasing Asriel huh"Chara
"It's fun"
"Not it's not!"UT!Asriel
"Maybe but because you're the little brother"
"I wish I wasn't"UT!Asriel
"Well he could be"Chara
"Yeah show him that guy"Frisk
"Aww but he's so cute"Frisk
"Not in front of Asriel.I already see his smirking face in my head"
"Wait..Could you turn young and small?"UT!Asriel
"Asriel Asriel..Sometimes I wish you weren't smart"
"You can?!"UT!Asriel,UT!Chara and UT!Frisk
"Do it!"Both Frisks and Charas
"Ahh god it's happening all over again"
"I'll hold your hand"Frisk
*You stared at Frisk
"And I'll give you a kiss"Chara
*You stared at Chara

*You were in deep thought and loosen up a little
*Your Shadow rose up underneath you and formed a hand.The Shadow Hand slapped your face

(No!Its Dark and I ain't gonna be smothered with your happiness!)
"Okay Fine"
"(Y/N) what was that?"Chara
"Give me moment"
*You made a clone with a black sweater and black pants with a red fade

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now