Chapter 67 Family Reunion

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Your POV

*You wake up and see Chara and Frisk still sleeping in your arms.You slowly got up and see Chara open her eyes and staring at you.You froze and slowly lay back down.
*Chara pats your head
"It's hot"
"I know. Make a chocolate shake for me"Chara
"With magic?"
"I want a kiss"
"Let me kiss you"
"So I'll be expecting a kiss later"
"Yeah yeah"Chara
"Frisk I know you're awake"
"Mhm"Frisk said muffled
"I want a kiss"
"Then kiss me"Frisk
*You got up quickly and kiss Frisk on the cheek
*Frisk smiles and resumes sleeping
*You looked over to Chara
"Chara let me kiss-"
*You had a surprise expression and you kiss her cheek.But Chara turned at the last second and you kissed her lips instead.You were shocked and slowly backed away
"Happy?" Chara
"..Yeah"you said put your head down
"Why are so flustered?"Chara
"My heart just raced for a moment there"
"Did you kiss her on the lips?"Frisk
"I want one"Frisk
"Okay"you said and quickly kiss Frisk on the lips.You backed away and kiss her Frisk's cheek
*You stare into Frisk's eyes
"I need to get off this bed"
"No stay"Frisk
"My hearts racing and I want to keep going"
"Then let's hurry back home later~"Chara
"You see, right there,your not helping my problem"
"(Chuckles)Then just stay here and calm down"Chara said and you did
"Are you two having fun?I mean in this Underground?"
"Yeah"Frisk and Chara
"And thank you for making me solve those puzzles"Frisk
"No problem.I just want to make you happy"
"Aw I know"Frisk
"How was the floating skeleton hand Chara?"
"It was surprisingly comfortable"Chara
"I made it soft so you would be comfortable"
"That's why,..It felt like a was sitting on a big couch"Chara
"Heh I'm glad you liked it"
"What do you feel like doing today?"Frisk
"I'm hoping Asriel will meet his mom today"
"Where is she?"Frisk
"At the Entrance of the Underground"
"That far?"Chara
"So we're following?"Chara
"If Asriel wants"
"So he didn't ask you?" Chara
"No he did not"
"So we will be by ourselves.Alone.In this House?"Chara
"If he leaves with Asgore..Yeah"
"Then don't open that door"Frisk
"I didn't lock it"
"..Wait we've been kissing and you didn't think anyone would walk in on us?"Chara
"I can sense if someone is coming.So far, only Asgore is awake"
"Oh..then let's wait until everyone is awake"Frisk
"You got it"

*One moment Later

*You hear a knock at the door
*You hear it open
*You hear it closed

"Who was that?"Chara
"Are they leaving?"Frisk
"Yeah..Let's go.He seems nervous"
"I was hoping we stayed"Chara
"But the little prince is in distress"
"My lips are lonely"Frisk
"You make a compelling argument but my little brother is need of help"
"Ugh Fine"Frisk
"I can't believe you actually don't want to kiss-"Chara said while you pressed your lips against backed off.
"Never say such ridiculous words again"you said with red eyes
"Aww You finally stuttered"You said
*Chara threw you off the bed
"Worth it"
*Chara threw a pillow at your face
"Ok I get it"you said and got up
*Your eyes went back to normal

"Do you want to come along?"
"Of course"Chara
"But I want you to carry me"Frisk
"Ok.My Precious.But after you wash off that bed hair"
*You walked out and see Asriel talking to Asgore
*They see you

"Did I come at a bad time?"
"No it's alright.We were just discussing how we're gonna meet Tori"A-Asgore
"I see"
*You also see A-Frisk and A-Chara on the couch.They gave you a certain look.
"Do you need back up Asriel?"
"..Yeah"A-Asriel said nervously
"Do you want to take your time with this?"

"Ok.I'll let my humans know what's happening and I'll come back to see you"
*You feel stares coming from A-Frisk and A-Chara
*You entered the room and see Frisk and Chara getting ready.

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now