Chapter 5 Falling Angels

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Your POV
*Rinsing your mouth
"I thought I've gotten over past that phase"

*You went off ahead to the Medical room to meet the lack of patients.You ask one of the Froggits to know they're at.
*Ribbit, ribbit
"There condition got worse most of which couldn't handle the pain anymore so they're were sent home to be with there family for one last time" the Froggit sadly says.
"I see" you replied
"I'll be at the Hole of the Underground if anyone needs me"

The monsters knew you were upset, when you tried so hard finding a cure them with the lack of resources.Only your magic energy was slowing down the process.You literally done everything you could provide to help.

*You were in bad mood.You didn't expect to receive this news so soon.You sing to yourself in the flower fields.

(Play Song)
<You don't have to listen it's just something that has a nice melody.You can listen to what you like when your feeling down.>
(End of Song)

As you were done venting out your sadness you see falling leaves and rocks coming down from the hole.
Then a shadow coming down fast.
(It looks like a person)
*You see the shadow figure get closer
(Oh damn looks like there's another one)
*You see two figures falling to their demise, you try to save them by catching them and absorbing the impact.You did.
(Huh.I didn't expect to see humans falling down here)
*They look like they're aren't awake
(Thank god I thought they died)
*You sigh in relief
*They look like they've been through hell, covered in smoke and blood.
(Humans Don't usually look like this)

*You rushed back to the Medical room placing both of them on the beds.You clean off the smoke and blood off of there skin.You see bruises and scars all around their body.You put medicine on the bruises and wrap up the scars with a bandage going around their arms a legs.Oops I think that's too much.You see there clothes, it looks like someone tried to stab them.

*Your in a bad mood again

*You left trying to find some spare clothes for them to wear.When you came back one of them is gone.You look around.It also looks like someone's been shuffling around in the drawers.You check the drawers to see what's missing.

*A surgical knife is gone

*You head to see if the other child is ok.As you approach the child, a black shadow rushed of the sleeping child bed a tried to attack you.
*You Dodge
*But this one is relentless
*It tries to cut you with surgical knife.
(Waoh this thing is fast as Undyne)
*But despite being agile you caught the knife while it went through your hand
"Alright enough of this" you took its wrists and flung them back
*Hand is bleeding
Y/N HP:18/20
*I hate sharp weapons
You look back at them with a glow in your eye
*But you were stunned
*It was the other human that you caught
*They look at you with glowing red eyes
"Look kid I don't want to fight"
*You spared red eye human
*It rejects your offer
*The human came full speed at you then going unconscious
(Lucky break I guess)
*You put little red eye attacker on a separate bed.You put their new clothes besides them.And decide to call this in with Gaster.
<You explain what you found and Gaster told you to watch them till he is finish checking on the seven>

*You hear the kids stomach growling

(Better call someone to watch these two so I come back here like last time.But who's best at looking after trouble.But also strong enough to keep them calm.)

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now